[quote=@Mintz] On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP! For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :) [/quote] Doing ok! Life and internet both continue to be as busy as ever it seems on my end, but I have gotten my concepts down to the top three for a character at least (yay). The pain is deciding which one, indecisively, as has been my most common problem in RP'ing. (lol)