CS Form [hider=Runner Form] Basic CS Template: [i][center]Moniker: The name your Runner has started calling themselves since they woke.[/center][/i] [i][center]Maturity: Your Runner's apparent age, as they don't really know it themselves.[/center][/i] [i][center]Gender: What your Runner identifies as.[/center][/i] [i][center]Appearance: A general description of what your Runner looks like. A photo accompaniment would be helpful.[/center][/i] [i][center]Teratódis Remnant: A strange Teras feature left behind from the effects of Black Ether, an inherent part of your Runner left uncleansed by the Reversal.[/center][/i] [i][center]Traits: General character traits of your Runner, including flaws.[/center][/i] [i][center]Skills/Muscle Memory: Special things your character knows how to do, even if they themselves have know idea why. (Please limit this to a maximum of 3 for a new Runner)[/center][/i] [u][i][center]Soul Gear: What your Runner's Soul Gear weapon is. Include a photo if applicable.[/center][/i][/u] [/hider]