Prof. Ivy watched with and odd sense of pride and excitement as each of these trainers, despite their trepidations, took a step forward and into the path unwinding ahead of them. She could still recall her own start as a Pokémon trainer; she recalled how nervous she had been, and how much she would've appreciated some extra layer of support and direction such as the one she was now providing for these kids. Something about that thought made her stand all the more straighter. Cal and Niko's choice of Pokémon seemed very predictable to the Pokémon professor; [i]'almost stereotypically so'[/i] she figured with a slight chuckle and smile. Amy's, choice on the other hand, caught her eye. She figured the girl might be sheltered and timid, but she stepped forward with gusto and confidently selected one of the tougher Pokémon to raise in the form of Charmander. [i]'Good going, girl!'[/i] She cheered inwardly, inadvertently re-living the start to her own Journey. However, these trainers needed more than just gear and Pokémon; they needed advice, and that became evident the moment two of them stepped up to her looking for advice. She pondered about Amy's questions with a finger to her cheek. [b]"Actually,"[/b] she started. [b]"Prof. Oak sources most of his Starter Pokémon from the hatchery in this very ranch! Why don't we go over and take a walk? That'll allow you to bring your new Pokémon out to stretch their legs!"[/b] Ivy stated as she started towards the door in the back. As she walked with the kids in tow, she proceeded to begin explaining the basics of their Pokémon, such as the importance of keeping (especially young) Charmander's tail lit, or how a healthy Bulbasaur's bulb is supposed to look... She also brings out her own Pokémon, a Marill, and encourages the kids to scan their Pokémon with their PokéDexes, same as her: [center][img][/img] [b]Species:[/b] Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokemon [b]Type:[/b] Water/Fairy [b]Level:[/b] 10 [b]Ability:[/b] Thick Fat [b]Nature:[/b] Sassy [b]Moveset:[/b] Defense Curl | Rollout | Tackle | Bubble Beam | Charm | Helping Hand[/center]