[@Gareth]Uh, shit. Well going by my avatar and signature, I'm really into Keldian right now, really nice spacey power metal! HammerFall got me into power metal in the first place twenty years ago, I saw them in 2017, and I devour every Iron Savior album that comes out. Edguy was awesome when they still made music. Gamma Ray, Helloween, and Blind Guardian for the power classics, I love Dynazty and Fellowship for the serotonin boost, and Antti Martikainen makes a few great instrumental tracks. Primal Fear and Rage when I want some heavy power. Avantasia, Ayreon, and Exlibris when I want something melodic. Helion Prime and A Sound of Thunder are awesome American power bands. As for thrash and speed, I'm into Gama Bomb and Municipal Waste lately. They're funny. Annihilator is cool, and Gwar is a riot. Folk, I'm obsessed with three E's: Eluveitie, Ensiferum, Equilibrium. Turisas and Alestorm too. Does Running Wild count as folk? Kambrium and Aether Realm are my go-to melodeath bands. The first Wintersun album was great, and I'm starting to get into Soilwork. Stratovarius is the best neo-classical metal band, but Dark Moor and At Vance are damn good. For the classic metal bands, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden are the best. Painkiller is probably my favorite album ever! Wow. Uh, sorry. You did ask!