Hello! I'm Warhawk, but I go by Buteo on this website. I'm always looking for new RP partners. (If I bump this, that does not mean I'm looking to replace you.) I RP mainly on Discord. I usually like to RP mainly original worlds and plots, so I wouldn't go looking for fandom-related RPs with me. (With some exceptions, if I put it here, then I'm interested in it.) I am mainly looking for fantasy-related plots, so if you have a certain idea of your own and you think you and I may make good partners, go ahead and feel free to shoot it to me! [u]Things to know:[/u] - I write semi-lit. My length varies based on what's going on narrative-wise. From two lines to pages of text. I try to meet what my partner and I think is appropriate. - I will play any gender against any gender. - I generally prefer to play characters with platonic relationships. I'm alright with romantic plots, when fitting of the characters, or from it developing naturally. But generally playing a pure romance is something I'm not interested in. Same goes for smut, I'm alright with RPing it, I'm not interested in a smut-based RP. - That being said, be 18+ please. - I enjoy playing multiple characters, in more of a sprawling world style of narrative. Characters we switch around with intertwined narratives. - I'm a busy person, so I may not be able to always post as much as I'd like to. I work a lot, and have too many hobbies. If I'm not responding, poke me more. Similarly so, if you lose interest, and stop replying, I don't judge, though saying you'd like to end it or something's not working would be preferred. [u]Things I like:[/u] Anthro or Beast Characters Medieval Fantasy Eastern-Inspired Fantasy Sci-Fantasy Dieselpunk Dying Earth/Post-Post Apocalyptic Adventure plots War plots/Mercenary plots Dark Fantasy Western-inspired plots. (Not so much cowboys, but more vagrants in a dangerous land with a lot of revenge, greed and violence) [u]Prompts:[/u] These are ideas based on worlds or characters I have. They can be changed to fit whatever works for both of us. [hider=Avian Adventure Plot] A world full of Aarakocra-like Avian people. This is a bit of my pet project, so, I've put a bit too much thought into this one. Set in the backdrop of a world of floating islands and a desolate surface, soon to erupt into cataclysm. You're but a small spec in a matter of magic and a long, troubled history shared by all of the birdfolk. Either to fall into its machinations, or merely watch it go by as you pursue your own desire. Change will soon arrive, and you have little to do to remain as you are. I have multiple plots to run with this world, it depends all on what we both like I suppose. Essentially, you're an avian in a world to the brim with dangerous magic, and the consequences of it coming to a bubbling point in the divisions they've made of themselves. You'll embark on a journey, seeking your own change, before you become yet another victim of it. [/hider] [hider=Gryphon War Plot] A world inspired by ancient myth, beasts and warfare. Populated by mythical creatures, this one centers around a civilization of gryphons locked in an era of infighting and combat. Talons grasping for blood, in honor of their flock, gods and hoards. This would be a war story centered around the flying creatures, either a darker story about participants in brutal conquest, or a more hopeful story about them seeking to break the cycle plagued by their species, in the shadow of a larger foe. [/hider] [hider=Dragon Anthro Plot] A plot about dragon people, who are sort of a cross between east and west dragons. In the era of these dragonfolk, their final predecessor, an elder dragon, is the tyrant of an oppressive empire. In the shadow of their gaze, those dragonfolk outside try to live a free life. This one I'm still kinda thinking out, so it's free to whatever we come up with. Basically, I'd like some RP with dragonfolk. Resurrecting dead elder dragons? Other mythical creatures? Low-tech magic post apocalypse, a la Dark Sun? Something tamer? [/hider] [hider=Feudal Japan Inspired Plot] Kind of an Eastern-Inspired Fantasy plot based off of Japanese history. More in the tone of a Kurosawa movie, or Kenshi. In a setting reminiscent of Feudal Japan, or perhaps a more industrial Meiji Restoration type world. Basically, a samurai flick in a fantasy world. It can be anything from a plot about rival clans, invasion from outsiders, conquest, or all of that at the same time! Sword against the gun, violence abound, last stands and honorable combat, mixed with magic and species based off of folklore. [/hider] And again, if you have an idea of your own that you might like to try, I'm all ears. Send me a message if you're interested. Thanks!