[quote=@ActRaiserTheReturned] [@Dimentio][@Olive Fontaine] Stegobor, finally revealing himself, finally speaks. [b]"I am Stregobor. Not from Earth here. As for you, Fei, I am going to fill you in on everything."[/b] He snaps his fingers again, filling Fei's mind with all of the other three's memories. [b]"That's why we're here. I can extrapolate for any of your questions later. Unfortunately, we just need to look out for anyone who's about to die. Most likely they are a high profile target, but we shouldn't put our guard down."[/b] [b]"Now, I suggest we split up, the Entities will be telepathically guiding us whenever we're close to something, then we will have to take action.'[/b] [/quote] Now this sudden influx of Memories, While admittedly not as staggering as it normally would be considering Fei had received another one a Month ago when she got her Mental Guests would still make her blink and look at everyone in shock then at her hands before she pinched herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming, which only confirmed that this was real and that she was awake. "So that explains a lot." She said after taking a moment to recover from this shocking revelation. "Yeah, I'll go look in the FPS section." The girl declared, admittedly because she wanted to play "Ultra Shoot cosmic horrors to death IV" and started to walk away from the food court, grabbing her Burrito since she intended to finish it. [i] inside feis mind[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Oh Just why is it all my Hate incarnations are useless?"[/color] Demise lamented [color=ed1c24]"First I'm downgraded into a Mortal Warlock who's convinced himself he was trying to help his people, then I downgrade into a Human teenager. And even that so called Hedgehog is an 'Anti-hero'[/color] [color=39b54a]"Must I remind you that I Seized the entirety of the Triforce?" Ganondorf retorted clearly fed up with the evil god's complaining about how useless his reincarnations were. "And we still have the Triforce of power.[/color] [color=ed1c24]"And yet you FAILED, you wanna know why? Simple, you wasted your chance to make a wish to gloat to your enemies and where did that get you? Oh that's right you Drowned along with the very kingdom you deemed to conquer." Demise snapped at the former thief king.[/color] [color=1b1464]"since we are dealing with an assassin we'll need to be on the lookout for anyone who looks like or is acting suspicious. Also be careful we don't know what this assassin is capable of.[/color] Shadow advised Fei, clearly not in the mood to join Ganondorf and Demise's petty argument.