[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/58d1a1f53774f3605bf82a9b9050b41b.png[/img][/center] Ariel was thrilled that Mabel knew who Eric was, and where he might be. Now she was one step closer to finding him. Pacha directed them to where they could find that mapmaker, and off they went. Ariel walked around the shopping center in awe. There were so many people, and many of them were using the gadgets, and gizmos, and whozits and whatzits she had collected before her father destroyed them. They even had thingamobs, and way more than twenty. She peeked inside every shop window to see their wares. She walked by a man, who offered her something that she had never seen under the sea. “Flower for the lady?” What was a flower? Was it something to eat? She remembered she didn’t eat the food back at the tavern, and this certainly looked more appetizing than what they were serving back there… Smelled better too. [color=93E9BE]“Thank you!”[/color] She took it, and chomped on it. It certainly had an interesting flavor. Then walked off satisfied while the man who gave her the flower looked horrified. But then, one of the shops she passed by filled her with dread. [i]The Octavinelle Shop of Magical Supplies and Curiosities[/i] She looked down at the shell necklace she was wearing, then up at the sign. Was Ursula coming to collect? Now? But she had just gotten here… She turned to her travelling companions. [color=93E9BE]“Um… I have to stop in here. Be right back!”[/color] She took a deep breath, and walked inside. [color=93E9BE]“H-h-hello?”[/color] She called out.