[quote=@ActRaiserTheReturned] [@Dimentio] A man, one level above the protagonists can be seen. He is dressed like a stereo typical necromancer in Fantasy. You know the type, a guy in a black robe, with a hood. Anyone who sees this individual can sense something very disturbing about him. The old man notices him. [b]"Uh, forget splitting up, for now. Here's something that seems to be coming straight for us."[/b] The man seemingly vanishes without a trace, and Stregobor has a look of disappointment on his face. [b]"Oh, well that would have been too easy."[/b] [/quote] Fei briefly turns around upon hearing the old man warn the team about something coming towards them, taking a look at the figure and noting That something about him seemed disturbing only to then immediately fire a ball of electric energy at the Hooded figure who Fei said after he Vanished "Looked way too much like he was seeking attention from how Edgy he looked." Only for the Wannabe Edgelord to disappear without a trace before the Blast could hit him.