[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/6a36919105a0d4b7eb98e5380adb1abf.png[/img] Things were going great. The Huntsman thought Ariel's prince should be easy to locate and Pacha though there was a map shop in the Adventurer's Shopping District. Mabel giggled just a little, with a place like that, you'd think the townsfolk would be more prepared. Instead of commenting on that she told Pacha, [color=ed145b]“Thank you, that is some helpful information.”[/color] *** Mabel followed along with the Huntsman and Ariel, chatting whether they wanted to or not. She watched in confusion as Ariel tried to eat a flower and the Huntsman stopped her, suggesting he'd show her how to press it instead. Mabel smiled, still amused, [color=ed145b]“You can't eat flowers. They're for sniffing. But girl, the food was bad, wasn't it?” [/color] They stopped in front of a curiosity shop, [i]The Octavinelle Shop of Magical Supplies and Curiosities[/i]. Ariel said she needed to go in and the Huntsman expressed curiosity about the shops wares. Mabel shrugged and followed them inside, [color=ed145b]“Eh, sounds like somewhere that would sell the same hokey wares my Grunkle Stan peddles.”[/color]