[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/8c199199ca10f1c5ef8f2ee90df61845.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/0g97bPNxxmIAAAAC/atlantis-the-lost-empire-princess-kida-princess-kida.gif[/img] [b]Action:[/b] none | [b]Bonus Action[/b]: none[/center] Kida followed the commoner - Pacha - as he lead them towards the palace. She hasn't had much, or rather any, contact to people outside of Atlantis before. The last time she would have had the chance, she had been a small child and she did not remember much from that time. Mostly she just saw images of her mother being taken, although she knew she hadn't witnessed it - her father had shielded her -, her mind was filling the blank in dark and desperate nights. The woman chuckled at Pacha's attempt to pronounce her name. Apparently it was unusual to these people. "[color=6ecff6]Kida[/color]", she offered instead. "Is Pacha a... nickname?" And so she began to gently chat with the man as they made their way to the palace. Upon arriving, she curiously took in the unusual coloring of the guards. She herself had tattoos and all inhabitants of Atlantis did as well. They were always blue. Seeing a person half red was new to her and she had a million questions but they were ushered to move along. Though one curious scene would only be replaced by another as Pacha was hit with a sandal and was struggling to free an old man from a makeshift prison of some kind the next moment. It seemed he had gotten himself tangled up somehow. "[color=6ecff6]Oh![/color]", Kida exclaimed surprised and went to assist Pacha in retrieving the man and bringing him back to the floor. "[color=6ecff6]However did you manage that?[/color]"