[quote=@Dimentio] "What is thy bid-Wait You're not master Demise!" Ghirahim pointed at Fei "I don't believe it! A wriggling Hylian worm managed to summon me! I Would Normally destroy you for such a thing but yet your Presence feels odd...I can sense Lord Demise's energy in you somehow, odd." [color=ed1c24][b]GHIRAHIM![/b][/color] Fei spoke up in Demise's voice [color=ed1c24]you must venture to the Section of this place called the Cosplay Section, a human wizard in cloaks of Black has offended me."[/color] "Ah an assassination job, how I missed those." Ghirahim mused convinced to Listen to this Human worm, if only so that she would return him to his Master's side unaware that he was already there if technically speaking. Ending a human would be easy. "Unless that meddling brat in green shows up again." Ghirahim noted, his desire for revenge on Link clearly showing as he exited the bathroom. [/quote] ::Moments later:: @Sanity Ryder Reid, on the stage, is also followed by Ghirahim, not closely, but more closely by a man in disguise, one of the apparent employees working under Reid, perhaps an intern. As Reid is about to speak at the lecturn, Murdaugh, now somehow seems to halt time it'self, as the man's eyes glow a mysterious red energy that only the protagonists can see, a split moment just before time stops. As his hand, now wielding a dagger, prepares to plunge the said weapon into Ryder's back, Ghirahim quickly disarms the would be assassin, literally. Mister Murdaugh silently steps back, noting the appearance of the annoying swordsman. "If that would have been permanent I would be extremely furious!" The necromancer stated. His blood spurt over Mister Reid, though he makes sure to cause his severed arm to vanish from the stage, so he could preserve it and then re-attach it. He mutters something under his breath, envoloping Ghirahim in fire.