[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hPXx3i9m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Scarlet Thorne[/h2][/center] The horned goth girl had followed in behind Ghirahim, being suspicious of what the beast was up to. Evidently he was one of theirs however - and a fight was already breaking out on stage. The necromancer man had shown himself again, and now he was trying to plant his dagger in Ryder's back! Stopped once by the summoned beast, he quickly struck back against it with some kind of fiery conjuration. Scarlet cracked a smile - now things were getting interesting! She lifted her hand and pointed its palm at the necromancer. [b]"Freeze!"[/b] she shouted, and she fired an icy blue projectile at the cloaked man. The air immediately chilled, and the ground beneath the spell's path began to freeze over. Blizzaga was one of the most powerful cold magics she had inherited; it would home in on the target to a degree, and a direct hit could prove immensely damaging.