[quote=@Goose] Hey guys, at work currently. I feel like I owe everyone an apology. I expected to post Chapter 2 this past Sunday to keep up the “weekly chapters pace”, but irl got ahold of me and I simply hadn’t taken the time to check back in here. (Still have to read Amy’s new post). So, sorry about that, I hope you’re all understanding. That being said, and keeping in mind that things happen, I believe going to a “biweekly chapters pace” will be easier and more forgiving for everyone involved, so that will be the plan going forward. Please expect Chapter 2 up this Sunday! Also, as a note, I’m really loving this emerging dynamic between Cal & Niko! Good going guys! [/quote] No sweat! IRL has a tendency to get ahold of folks. Biweekly chapter pace works fine on my end.