[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hPXx3i9m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Scarlet Thorne[/h2][/center] The necromancer reappeared before Scarlet and made a sign with his hands. She tried to move, but she felt very sluggish suddenly. Then her eyes went vacant, and her body hit the floor. But she had made a move in the brief window she was awake. Her body moved involuntarily, and she bit into her lip, drawing a small amount of blood. After she fell unconscious, three large white snakes emerged from her sleeves, and they used their bulk to entirely cover her frame. These were no ordinary snakes - they were mystical beasts of superhuman strength. For the moment they just remained there, watching the surroundings and shrouding Scarlet from harm. [i][color=purple]'You're strong, girl. But still quite green, aren't you? Not used to genjutsu? I helped you out this time. But before I pull you out - get up and see what you can learn from this place.'[/color][/i] It was the strange voice from before. Scarlet rose with a groan. She was in some kind of strange spaceship. The walls and the nearby machinery looked almost organic. But the lights above were dim and flickering. It was like something out of a horror movie. She felt her anxiety rising, but then she spotted an old man ahead. It was Lucian, she realized - but he was changed. She sprang into action, rushing the necromancer and attempting to deliver a powerful overhead slam. If that failed, she would swivel around and try a kick. And she wouldn't stop there. She would continue delivering strike after rapid strike. The purpose of her intensely focused attack was partly to keep her mind off of the horrific surroundings. But also, the necromancer had proven to be masterful with magic - it was time to see how he would deal with her terrific physical strength.