[center] [h2] [color=d7d7d7][b]Roland[/b][/color][/h2] And [color=0072bc]Robot[/color] [color=ec008c]Girls[/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1120967522892648530/BlackSilenceIcon.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxFo3GL.png[/img] Level 4 Roland - (5/40) Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (58/120) Level 6 Susie - (17/60) - (Holding 3 level up) [b]Location:[/b] Sector 9 [b]Word Count:[/b] 763 [/center] With Karin finishing up the rest of these things, there wasn't much to do but collect their leftover spirits or in Blazermate's case, heal. And she'd soon find with Geralt going into a blind rage due to the guardian spirit he had absorbed earlier, that she'd have a lot more healing to do especially for Goldlewis. Roland, after picking up the spirit of the thing he beat, noticed this blind rage followed by guilt and had a bit of empathy for Geralt. [color=d7d7d7]"Hey man, I've been there before. You'll get the hang of controlling it at some point."[/color] Roland said, although in his case, it was a bit different. He would've said more, but there wasn't time for it as another big enemy appeared, chasing after the VIP they had just rescued. With their flight, Blazermate and Susie were able to get away from the big creature without too much difficulty with Blazermate able to help the slowest member of their group if they weren't too heavy. Roland, still charged by his emotions, was also pretty fast even though he was on the ground. Without her hands being free though, Blazermate was unable to heal anyone as she flew, which also meant she wasn't able to give anyone an uber if they needed it. At least they could get a headstart with the creature posturing and acting all threatening. When they escaped the portal, something wasn't right. Out of a case the VIP had, was some purple liquid that the hermits called the 'elixir of immortality'. And boy these hermits were being awfully suspicious Roland thought, expecting a backstab but not surprised about it. And even though they had been running and fighting all day, having even fought some of these hermits earlier, it seemed their elixir had caused them to redshift. [color=d7d7d7]"Well, thats one way to become 'immortal'."[/color] with Blazermate saying. [color=0072bc]"I am so sick and tired of everyone we meet backstabbing us in this city!"[/color], Roland almost giving a schadenfreude chuckle at her naivety as he got ready to fight. Having no time to rest, Roland was still at emotion level 3 so he was starting combat a lot stronger than others had seen him at this time and started to intercept and clash attacks like he usually did. Having more than 4 allies with him in this fight, he had his full strength gain from Courage and numbers appeared above the heads of the hermits. But due to the sheer amount of them, keeping to the number path would be difficult, meaning they'd be resetting every 10 seconds when someone inevitably hit the wrong one. Susie decided to stay at range and fire her missiles at whatever Other she could, and Blazermate did what she did and healed, having a projectile shield to deal some damage and protect others from ranged stuff for awhile. After a few amount of clashes, Roland had gotten his emotion to level 4, gaining "Power of the Past", reducing his speed but greatly increasing his strength. This came with the usual quote being emitted, from what sounded like a witch. "I want you to feel it all the same… The misery of forgetting it all… losing it all…". Roland also got an EGO page, "Faded Memories", which he used right away to give his allies and himself a possible strength buff. Roland, donning a [url=https://i.imgur.com/5VYuLe0.png]decayed looking dress[/url], blasted the area with a strange dust that smelled of cinnamon that attacked the mind of the Abberations as the yellow wisps changed the immediate area into a d[url=https://i.imgur.com/npLm3SY.png]decrepit ruin filled with emerald mist.[/url], with some pillars able to be used for cover if needed for the 10 seconds it would be up. This would spawn platforms for those who were on an already elevated part of the environment, not caring for if they were friend or foe so they wouldn't fall. Once the area dissipated, with Roland clashing during the whole thing and Susie shooting her missiles to give some cover alongside Sandalphon, Roland had finally gotten to Emotion level 5 as the fight was wrapping up. This was the final push everyone needed as Roland gained "False Present", giving himself and every one of his allies a strength and defense boost, but making them take more mental damage if there was any. And with this quote, a much more sinister witch voice could be heard, saying. "Drink this potion, it’ll give you courage. You’ll be braver than anyone." He'd also gain the EGO page "Harvest", but the battle was closing soon so there wasn't really much reason to use it.