[quote=@souleaterfan320] Power is a hell of a thing, boy. This is getting boring. *dissapears, and a portal opens up beside you, a fist the size of a mack truck pummels through at you, smashing you through the wall, and I jump through to you, hands in my pockets as I nonchalantly walk toward you* You remind me of someone. Sven was his name, I believe. Ill tell you,that interaction was oscar worthy. You shpuldve seen his face when he realized not even his family was safe from me. Fear is an excellent tool to use in war, because while power is great, without fear, reasoning and shows of force, all that power means [i]nothing.[/i] [/quote] *Recovers and maintains a hovering position with the armor’s thrusters* Cool story. *A shimmering blue orb manifests around me and begins to oscillate intensely*