Sweet. I did start on a post, then got side tracked thinking about the ghurch amd came up with some lore below, would love your thoughts. The other thing i wanted to run by you was if you had an idea of who you wanted the person in the carriage to be? [hider=The Church] The Church of Light is the primary religion of Sashain, and a temple or church can be found in most hamlets and towns, whilst the bigger cities tend to have multiple churches or even a cathedral. They are required to be in the town layout for any new town charter, and are the first buildings erected when construction begins. The doctrine is centred around the Light Bringer Astarel. In the beginning there was only darkness. The world and all of its creations struggled in the cold dark, when all things could happen for no one could see to stop them. Beast and man preyed on each other with impunity, and greater Evils watched on in pleasure. In the darkness was struggle, chaos, and sin. It is said that in the darkness Astarel heard a song, its melody telling of colour, and safety, and freedom. By listening to it Astarel discovered fire, and brought light into being. In doing so the creations of earth could truly see for the first time, but evil lurked always at the edge of the light. Again Astarel heard the song and it urged him to create a rapier, forged of metal that had come from a place other than this world (ie a meteroite) and its blade rippled and glowed with light. Following the directions of the song he journeyed to the highest mountain top and from there pierced the heavens with the rapiers tip, creating stars. In the constellations Astarel gave a warning about the evils of the dark, and the promise of Light through the Song. The Song then drove Astarel to his third and final act. From the same metal as his rapier he made a chariot and in the back built the biggest inferno that he could. Hitching it to a tram of palimon horses he then began to Sing alongside the Song and it transformed the bonfire into a perpetual, everburning flame, and the horses gained wings for flight and their very hooves sparked embers. He knew in his heart that this was his final Good he would do for the world, and so as he sang he embraced his family, passing his sword Skypiercer to his son. He then flew of into the sky and his chariot is what gives us the day, and Astarel flies across the sky. In her grief his wife, who had a gift for prophecy, went to a pool in a cavern that she would often use for divination. With the new sun’s light reflecting from the sky into the pool she did her best to imitate her husband’s Song. She sang all day and as the sun began to set she waded out and, still singing her imitation of the Song, floated on her back gazing at the sky from its reflection. As the last light faded, along with her hope, she found herself looking down instead on the earth, reflecting the light of her husband. For her love of Him she is able to give light to the darkness, but for her hubris of trying to use the Song for selfish purposes she can only imitate and reflect forever. The phases of the moon reflect the cyclical nature of women, and its said that you can see her silhouette in the full moon. There are two major holidays associated with the Church of Light. Summer solstice, or All Light, is a joyful day, and the day on which official events take place – royal weddings, coronation, knight ingredients... etc. Festivals light up the night so it seems that he sun never sets. The other is the winter solstice or the Long Night whereby from the time the sun sets there is to be no light. It is time for people to remember the darkness and confront it, confront their own evils and sins. Then with the dawn the churches kindle a bonfire from a sacred flame that they kept burning through the Long Night, and from that bonfire all folk relight their hearth flames, rejoicing in the freedom given by the sacrifice of Astarel. It’s also said that Anders Hallow, and by extension the Royal Family, are descendants of that son of Astarel, and the rapier that comes with the office of king is that same ancient blade Skypiercer. True or not the sunburst symbol has become synonymous with the church, the Royal family, and those who have favour with one or both factions. The church is led by The Singer, who is in charge of scripture, ordaining ministers etc. The leaders of the church are known as the Fathers, and between then am the Singer is the Father’s Council and the Choir. The fathers council is in charge of the mundane actually keeping the churches running while the Choir look after whole areas – similar to Cardinals or Arch-bishops. [/hider]