[quote=@Eviledd1984] [@Frettzo] [hider=Memoriae (WIP)] [hider=Apperance] [img]https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:720/format:webp/1*Lxyko2FLT9h_Sd7aHHgYmw.jpeg[/img] [/hider] NAME: Memoriae ALIAS: Fa'ra Catarak, The Keeper Of All Knowledge, Teacher, Wise Man, Eldor Laidon. Domain: Knowledge - Memoriae has the ability to manipulate any kind of knowledge, whether it be written or in the minds of other beings. Giving or taking any kind of knowledge or skills from any humans. Letting anyone have Memoriae gifts with hidden knowledge, however, this knowledge comes with a steep price. The price is that person’s insanity. The knowledge that is given to a person, that person’s perception gives them a heightened sixth sense. Memories: He can open a portal to a certain memory, where he can do whatever he likes in the memory. He can change and insert memories into a person's mind, Even opening the minds of others letting them see beyond what the human mind could comprehend. Description: A tall creature with pale skin, elongated arms and hands and three fingers with sharp claws. Long legs as well with hooves for feet. He wears a long yellow robe that hides most of his body and a big white mask to hide his face from others. Wearing finally a yellow crown over his head with a red jewel in the middle and strange markings all over it. Disguising himself among the humans he appears as an old man with long white hair but bald in the middle of his head. Wearing a long dark blue robe, gold and purple lining along the sides of the robes. Musical Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3bfeK7_zoE]Doom Eternal- Demonic Chanting[/url] [/hider] I would be interested in joining this rp, if there is room for one more person. I was thinking of a god comparable to the gods in the Lovecraft mythos. I will have to add in more details and touch up his sheet when I get back from work today. Also if allowed I was thinking of adding dreams to be apart of his domain as well, or removing memories and making his domain dreams and knowledge. Let me know if their is anything else I need to change. [/quote] Yo! I'd be happy to have you join us, is there any chance you could pop into the discord server linked at the bottom of the OP? It's a much more comfortable place for faster chatting, and I need to ask a couple private questions for clarification on your Domain