So I’ve been craving a racing rp for a few years now, with a focus mostly on the racers themselves and not so much the races, though I still want those to have an impact. I thought that using dice would be a good and fair way to determine what happens during a race, but I wanted to do a bit more than “roll the dice to see if you win or what place you get”. My main goal is a system that’s not too crunchy, but still gives the feeling of vehicle stats mattering and adds a bit of chance. The players can add more descriptive flavor text based on what happens in the roll. Since I’m fairly inexperienced in this field, I would appreciate advice on simplifying, balancing, or tweaking to make this better. [hider=Racing System (using a d10):] Dice Value meaning: 1-3: Complete Failure 4-6: A little success 7-9: Mostly success 10+: Full success Stats and their meaning: Think of level values themselves as stat bonuses to add onto a roll. Turbo Acceleration Level (TAL): How fast the vehicle can go when the acceleration is hit; the higher the level, the quicker you can go in the less amount of time; stat doubles in the last lap Turbo Acceleration Level +1-Takes a while to affect vehicle speed +2-Takes some time +3-kicks in almost right away Durability Level (DL): How many hits the vehicle can tank; the higher the stat, the more hits you can take. DL Level 1: 30 HP DL Level 2: 40 HP DL Level 3: 50 HP Durability Level (must be opposite of TAL unless TAL is a 2) +1- made of tinfoil +2- can take a few hits +3- practically a tank Handling Level (HL): Reaction time of the vehicle to what a driver does; the higher the level, the better you can take sharp turns and avoid obstacles. Handling Level +1-not good at sudden turns +2- handles turns okay +3- turns on a dime Three possible actions a player can do: -Accelerate (d10+ TAL) 1-3: Speed doesn’t increase enough to make a difference 4-6: Speed up to almost catch up to next higher-ranking vehicle 7-9: Speed up to be neck-and-neck with higher-ranking vehicle 10+: Overtake next higher-ranking vehicle, take an additional action Attack (d10 + DL) Damage dice: d10 1-3: Miss 4-6: nudge opponent; opponent rolls Handling with advantage to see if any damage is taken 7-9: hit opponent, sending them into a slight serve, opponent rolls Handling to see amount of damage is taken 10+: smash into opponent, sending them careening out of control; opponent rolls Handling with disadvantage if they remain in control, take an additional action -Maneuver (avoiding obstacles, avoiding another vehicle, etc.) (d10 + HL) 1-3: Maneuver fails, take damage from hitting obstacle/barrier/vehicle 4-6: Maneuver succeeds, but not without a hitch, take half damage 7-9: Maneuver succeeds, take no damage 10+ Maneuver succeeds, take an additional action [/hider] If this works fine, I might play around with giving players the opportunity to upgrade vehicle stats to increase their bonuses more via temporary equipment. Like I said, I don’t want this to get overly crunchy. Thanks a bunch for your help. Even if this rp never happens, I can put this in my back pocket and use it for future endeavors. Feel free to ask any questions if something’s unclear.