[center][h2]Reverion[/h2][b]Lord of Re-Emergence, Lord of second chances, Gravengeance, Rightious Revenant, God of Neverdust, Talon Justice, Master of Vandead, Corvus Corpus, God of thralls (Name used by non-faithful), [/b][sup][/sup][/center] [u][b]Domain[/b][/u] Undeath [hider=Description]Reverion holds domain over undeath, which has earnt him the ire of many other gods, for he seeks to whisk away the souls of the dead to his own embrace to let them be born anew in an undead form. However they must be willing to be reborn, or he may not grant it. In very, very rare circumstances he would make someone get to unlife in this manner to teach them a lesson or because they do not realize their importance yet. He would despise seeing powerful beings of high morals to simply pass into the afterlife, seeing them as not only a shining examples but also as a potential soldier in his army of the undying. An army which may someday be used to topple the godly pantheon of it's hypocrytes, as far as he is concerned. He seeks to bestow his gift upon those who have undone quests, those who crave for revenge upon having been murdered or wronged, or simply those which which to serve their respective masters for an extended period of time. The gift of undeath must be offered and taken, not forced upon anyone. A god who values personal integrity and being masters of their own will. He advocates moderation of knowledge, for some knowledge may be too much for minds to comprehend. Moderation and self-maintenence is the pathway to the greater understanding as far as he is concerned. The focus must never be swayed by promise of an easier pathway. Reverion believes life should not be taken lightly, as when life ends, there is always a slimmer of a chance that a servant of, or God of Neverdust forbid, Voi or Szukaj-życia will -steal- the soul before it could be delivered to the Lord of Re-Emergence's gentle taloned hand. [/hider] [hider=Appearance][img]https://files.catbox.moe/pmozzz.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Description[/b][/u] [indent]Reverion has a calm demeanor, every word uttered by him is chosen carefully, many times his words bear more meanings than one aswell. He despises unnecessary cruelty and injustice, he harbors strong feelings for vengeance and revenge. His ultimate goal is to become the overgod of the pantheon. When called to battle, Reverion wields what can only be described as a sword-staff, the blade as long as the staff section. It's name being the Unmaker. He fights using acrobatic manuevers and flight using his black birdlike wings, his clawed talon-like fingers and feet being used as secondary weapons. He relies more on quickness and verbal play to wound his foes. He is lean in figure, built like an acrobat and he is as tall as about an average human but with pointed ears. He is adorned by feathers, tribal looking tattooes and his eyes are glowing fiercely with a white pupil in the middle, so when his gaze does land on you, you truly cannot mistake his nature. [/indent] [u][b]Musical Theme[/b][/u] [hider=Harp!] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAFKsdb27yQ [/hider]