[@PaulHaynek][@AzureKnight][@Crowvette][@The Irish Tree] [color=ed145b][b]Skarsneek of the Red Hills[/b][/color] [color=ed145b]“Well, I guess we’ll have to gamble on Shizuka words.”[/color] He pointed to the sake merchant, not really liking the odd but if people insist on sneaking through the cart. As he inspected the cart, he wondered just what position he should take that he can quickly spring out without any problem. On hearing what Ayu should do, Skarsneek decided for the original plan. [color=ed145b]“Stick outside and play the part of the merchant seller.”[/color] He suggested with a wave of his hand before gesturing to the cart. [color=ed145b]“Unless you’re confident sneaking in, we’re all gonna be packing together in the cart.”[/color] With that, he unscrewed both of his club into a much more compact form and went inside the cart before extending a hand to Io. [color=ed145b]“Allow me to help you, lady.”[/color] --- [color=f7941d][b]Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe[/b][/color] [color=f7941d]“Spider Lady is Spider Lady.”[/color] Gringor said with a straight face, as he kept looking at the rocks. Already plotting his own course there if needed. [color=f7941d]“Ok.”[/color] He cracked his neck and approached the rocks, though at hearing human lady of whether they should wait for Underboss Takeshi, Gringor turned. [color=f7941d]“Can climb up and set webs for Underboss till night.”[/color] [color=f7941d]“If Underboss arrives, then no problem. If arrive late, then still can have fun with fight first.”[/color] He explained it with a crossed arm and looked at spider lady. [color=f7941d]“Spider Lady can hang there and not get tired, right?”[/color] Wouldn’t want the underboss to miss out the fun after all. Gringor also gazed at the time, best to make their move at night when visibility is lowest for humans.