Greetings fellow Roleplayers! I am looking forward to writing here! First, about myself as a roleplayer and what I am looking for in my potential partners: 1. Please be active. 2. Be courteous. 3. I work parttime as a Cake Decorator and will not be on during work. 4. I ONLY write M/F gender-paired-romances. 5. I only write over Private Messages. 6. I write female characters only. 7. I am looking for those who can write 200 plus words per post. 8. I have no issue with dark and gritty subjects being included in our roleplay. 9. I ask that THIRD person be used during roleplay; first is awkward for me. 10. NO controlling my character(s) without my permission first. 11. I am ditch friendly; life / shit happens. 12. I do prefer that my partners are at least 21+ in age in case of mature content being involved. 13. Be able to write multiple characters. 14. Fandom wise I am perfectly fine with AU's. 15. I FADE-TO-BLACK ONLY. I am simply NOT here to write ERP stories. [b]ORIGINAL PAIRINGs[/b] Vampire / Human* Torturer / Victim* Pirate Captain / Maiden* Bully / Victim* Demon / Human* Mental Patient* / Doctor [b]FANDOMs[/b] Naruto (Am only familiar with the first part of the TV series.) Pokemon Yu-Gi-Oh James Cameron's Avatar I & II ([i]CRAVING[/i]) Harry Potter ([i]CRAVING[/i]) Supernatural If interested in roleplaying any of these pairings, please don't be afraid to send me a Private Message. Looking forward to roleplaying!