[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3YdqYf1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zvnz6I.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Breakthrough[/b][/center][hr] [i]Komatsu Bay[/i]: [@PaulHaynek][@The Irish Tree](Lili)[@Crowvette][@Restalaan](Skars)[hr] Shizuka pondered for a moment, walking closer to the fortress with the other members. [color=royalblue]"I was thinking of using a disguise to pose as a merchant, but, I may have built up a reputation among the Varjan ranks at this point. They may recognize my face, so perhaps it's best for me to hide in the cart with the others. Unless, you have a mask or something I could borrow?"[/color] He said, looking to the short sake maker who he shared a name with. He looked at Skarsneek, who offered a hand to Io to help her into the cart. Ultimately deciding against the disguise, Shizuka quickly hopped onto the cart along with them. The grace he executed the maneuver with didn't even cause the cart to rock. [color=royalblue]"Well, shall we go? Even if the gig goes south, I don't doubt that I and the others can react in time to make a quick response."[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cDfjYN0.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/0u0wcUo.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NporBQG.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Second Chance[/b][/center][hr] [i]Fort Tanabe[/i]: [@PaulHaynek][@Restalaan](Grin)[hr] [color=9e0b0f]"Ugh... Oaf!!"[/color] Atsuha snapped. [color=7bcdc8]"Grin-san! Don't be rude to my Nee-san!"[/color] Hinami whined. Despite their mewling, the sisters had heard every word spoken by Kikyo. They both nodded in agreement to her proposal, also noticing that she was concern about Takeshi's absence. [color=9e0b0f]"If the wait too long for the young lord to show, he'd perhaps wonder why we just sat and did nothing whilst the prisoners continued to suffer."[/color] Atsuha said. [color=9e0b0f]I'll scale the mountain and assist in freeing and arming the prisoners. The boorish brute can come along if he wants. Hinami, you stay here with Kikyo in case anything happens, be sure to assist her with anything."[/color] [color=7bcdc8]"Aye-aye sister!"[/color] She responded with a cute salute. Atsuha jetting out some webbing, attaching the other end to a craggy rock that jetted off of the cliffside. She carefully scaled the cliffside with the fine webbing, more durable than steel fiber. A little while after, she had made it to the top, standing on the fencing surrounding the fort. Quickly getting off, she scurried to the shadows, and attempted to scout out where the prisoners where being kept. They were several soldiers walking about, all of them fully armored and heavily armed. Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly easy for a girl with a tree on her back to sneak around... She did her best to find some weapons for the prisoners to utilize, all the while staying out of sight. Eventually making her way to a secluded part of the camp, she believed she had finally happened upon the prisoners. They were all housed in makeshift cages, clothed in worn rags. She had to be careful, even they likely wouldn't be pleased to see the presence of a mamono happen upon them, thus causing a commotion. She waited whilst the amount of guards hovering around the cages dwindled, and the couple that were left were distracted. She silently broke the locks on each of the cages, then using her webbing, she placed the weapons she gathered during her trek at the feet of the freed prisoners. It was no time at all for the inmates to realize their new freedom, and they took the weapons and began their assault. Atsuha channeled the ofuda Kikyo had given her, and the ball of light quickly went up into the sky. No doubt the others would see, and thus the attack had begun. Atsuha assisted the prisoners in their fight, but was sure to maintain distance and opted to cast long range magical attacks.