Greetings fellow Roleplayers! First and foremost, I ask that ye be AT LEAST 21+ in age for this WILL be an erotica-based-roleplay. If you are interested in roleplaying this out with me, please confirm your age with me. I myself am 32 in age. If you are someone with many kinks / limits, then this isn't for you. While I am looking for this to be a modern-day story, I don't want it to be something limiting. I am looking for those that can write at least 100+ words per post. Please no one-liners. I ONLY roleplay over Private Messages. NO Discord, Email, etc. I ONLY write submissive / bottom female roles. I do enjoy using NSFW images to help describe / show kinks, so please keep that in mind. I work parttime Tuesdays - Fridays and am not on my phone while at work. NO controlling my character(s) without my permission first. The kinkier we can make this story, the better. I really want to write something where my character starts out at around 120 pounds and is [b]forced up to 600 plus pounds slowly over time[/b].