[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6cMv8lV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7yGP9u4.png[/img] [color=magenta] [b]Time:[/b] [color=E594FF]Afternoon[/color] [b]Location:[/b] [color=E594FF]Cargo Hold/Crew Quarters of the Saltrunner[/color] [b]Mentions:[/b] [color=E594FF]Amisra [@Tae] and Sirena [@tpartywithzombi][/color] [hider=Equipment] 330 amas, Red-hilted dagger, Leather armor, compass, fancy spyglass, and a cloak [/hider] [/color] [hr] [color=E594FF] Tanithil looked in slight confusion at the mention of "whoever you are" came from Amisra. At the same time, he felt a flow of relief hit his body at the first signs of her being okay. He lays his right hand on her ribs where it looked like bandages were packed the best. He may have been hasty to judge this unseen helper, but they definitely seemed to know their stuff. He did not push against her body too hard for fear of making the injury worse. He clicked his tongue in frustration at the thought of her being hurt while he was right there. [color=magenta]"Sorry you got all bent up like this. I should've given you some more magic.|[/color] He slid his hands off her ribs and sighed. [color=magenta]"At least you're okay for now."[/color] He got up to walk towards the cot that happened to be nearby, pilfering through some random crewmates stuff until he found a cantine. He opened it up, eyed the contents, and took a small swig to make sure someone hadn't traded their daily water for something a little more...fun. Sure enough, some plain old H2O hit his lips and he brought the mostly full cantine back to Amisra, offering it to her. [color=magenta]"Don't fess too much about it being someone else's. I already took most of the icky germs you hate so much."[/color] He chuckled aloud. Water, food, and rest were the top 3 things this woman needed right now. Well, that and safety. His eyes turned towards the side of the ship he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched from. [color=magenta]"Stowaways are hardly looked on favorably, whoever you may be. But you helped my friend so I'm in a pretty good mood. Care to come out and talk a little bit about your predicament?"[/color] His voice was passive, showing no aggressive or commanding nature in the way he spoke to the possible unseen person. [/color] [/center]