[H2][color=#9cb6c3][right]Solomon Sparrow[/right][/color][/H2] [right][b][color=#9cb6c3]Location: [/color][/b] Kindeance [/right] [hr] Solomon sat at a desk, late at night, pouring over a well worn book. He looked eerily still, his body hunched over the book. The hood of his motionless hung over his head towards the earth, and his robes draped over his body made him look almost like a living shadow hovering over the contents of the page. Were it not for the thin gloved hand reaching from underneath his garb to turn the page, it would have been hard to distinguish him as a man from shadow monster. Even so, it might have still been difficult. The room was large, yet only one candle burned. The flickering light bounced off rows of shelves, some full of books, others empty with dust. Under the hood, still eyes slowly crossed the page before darting back to the beginning of the next line. After a time, the hand reached out again, and the book hushed as the pages softly collapsed over themselves. His figure stood, the chair pushing across the short carpet of the rub below as he did so. Silently, the book clutched in his hand was returned to the shelf. Solomon retrieved the candle off the table, and left the library into the ornately decorated hall. Moonlight poured in through the windows shining off the golden trim and the brass fixtures. With his other hand, he reached over the flame, clasping his fingers on the wick. A thin trail of warm gray wisps snaked from the once bright fire. Placing the candle upon a long narrow table next to him, he turned to see a man in royal garb standing there. “Sir Solomon Sparrow? I was told you’d be here at this time. I have a letter for you. I tried to deliver it at your last request place of residence, but, ah, you weren’t there.” “Yes.” said Solomon. His arm reached slowly towards the young man from beneath his cloak. “I apologize keeping you up this late searching for me. Thank you.” “Ah, that’s alright.” the young man murmured. He bowed slightly before turning on his heel and walking back down the hall. Solomon watched him for a moment before his eyes glanced down towards the envelope in his hand. He didn’t need to open it to guess what might have been penned inside. Though it only four months, Solomon knew the king would eventually need help again. The border politics were delicate, and so it was unlikely he could move freely with the Kindeance name. At the time four months ago, he was willing to lend his hand for the king. However, he had to decline to request to join his court. Though, with how close he remained near the palace, it would have been hard to speak of otherwise. He had no ill will towards the royal family, nor disdain towards their troubles, but he felt more purpose in his dealings with the common folk. He remained by the palace mainly to make use of the opportunity to raid its library. He also was duty bound to both the late Von Kruber, and a certain bestial friend to make sure his family would be taken care of. If Solomon was not at the palace, he resided at the current estate Von Kruber’s widow lived. It wasn’t entirely amicable, but resistance to his presence eventually diminished. Solomon’s arm vanished beneath his cloak once again. The fabrics of his attire barely illuminated in the glow of the moon shifted as he did towards that source of light. The letter was of short notice. Time must be running out. Solomon supposed the details he would have heard four months ago would be revealed again at the upcoming meeting. He saw first hand the devastation a war could bring. He even lived through part of the aftermath. He decided he could lend his hand again. There wasn’t much to lose, and the library wasn’t going anywhere. Though the hall was moonlit, the shadows still clung to every surface. Solomon then became one of them. Slowly he sunk into lightless void, his form disappearing into the darkness. In that moment, he ceased to be, his whereabouts unknown. Surely he would appear again at the most appropriate time.