1:00 PM Varya Chandrar Memorial Park, Rascade, Kindaence Varya's senses were overstimulated when he first entered the capital, for he was not used to the hustle and bustle of the big city, the volume of steps and voices, and the presence of so many people at any given time. He had made it a habit to avoid such places if he had the option to, preferring the more rural areas, though circumstances forced his hand. He could tell it would take some time to get used to for someone as introverted as he was. Shortly after first arriving at the city he bought with battle earned coin a dapper navy blue gent's suit and pants, wanting to look his best for himself and to make a good first impression with any potential employers. Varya walked with cane in hand, unbeknownst to onlookers that within it secretly was stored a sharp blade. Afterwards he went to the docs to behold the splendor of Rascade's famous port, pregnant with grand ships that carried within them treasures from across the length and breadth of the world. He sat upon the piers edge to gaze in awe at the infinity of blue expanded before him, smelling the salt around him and feeling the cool coastal winds kiss his cheeks. The coast and the ocean's horizon were sacred to Varya, and the sight of it during the sun's setting was one of the most beautiful phenomenon he had ever witnessed on this earthly plane, a glimpse into the grand tapestry of the cosmos. --- Varya after a time went to the memorial park to walk through it as well as peruse the cemetery of Kindaence's great heroes of old, though to his disappointment the locals had informed them that it was closed off to the public. He walked across the park barefoot to feel the grass beneath him. Beneath a shady tree he laid, relaxing after a great deal of walking, appreciating the greenery of the trees. As Varya was dozing off, from the corner of his eye he saw a mail man approaching him. He stood up and went to address the mail man. The man delivered onto him a letter before departing. At first Varya thought that it was from the mercenary group he was to join within the capital, but to his surprise it was sealed with an insignia of the royal house Kindaence! Recognizing its importance, he concealed the letter in his coat, then retreated to the most secluded part of the park he could find. He then casted upon himself his spell of Invisibility, so that none but he could read the contents of the letter in seclusion. Varya stood in silence after processing what all he read. The significance of this message could not be overstated. He could never have imagined that a king would summon him, at least not so soon. It was humbling, but it was also intimidating. Now more than ever Varya must prove not just to the king but to himself that he is worthy of this most high calling. Varya was nervous, but he knew in his heart he must muster the courage to embrace this invitation, for it was a sign from Above that pointed towards his destiny. He kept the letter close to his heart as he went to freshen up in preparation for this momentous meeting with royalty.