[h2][color=gray]Underwater Cave, Tower[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps], [@WhiteAngel25] [hr] [i][b]"The mother attacked you because you're big enough to feed them all, but small enough to take on by herself."[/b][/i] Nick said. [b]"I'm not wolf food!"[/b] She exclaimed, panicked. [b]"I'm Subject #003, and am un-eatable!" [/b] The glaring grammar seemed to attest to the fact there was something a bit strange about this young girl. However, she did seem to simmer down as she watched the other wolves quickly devour the food. The wolves began to roughhouse with one another, becoming too distracted with their littermates to bother the archeologists and the girl much further. [i][b]"Your jerky isn't going to last them long and I really don't want to be dog chow. So, thanks but I choose life,"[/b][/i] Stella said. Subject #003 gasped at that, her eyes welling up. [b]"So I really [i]am[/i] gonna be wolf food."[/b] That was when Stella gave a tug on the rope and relayed her instructions. Subject #003 nodded, gulping nervously. [b]"O-okay..."[/b] From the safety of the outcropping, Subject #003 sat patiently while Stella cleaned up her arm. When Stella looked at the girl's artifact, she tried to hide it in her pocket, anxious. [i][b]"Something like that is very dangerous. How did a young one like you find it?" [/b][/i] The girl seemed to be entirely caught up in the question, an embarrassed heat flushing over her cheeks. She didn't make a move or a sudden cry in pain as Stella expertly sewed her larger wounds shut. It was almost as if Subject #003's senses were dull to smaller forms of pain. That was when Stella would notice the white collar around Subject #003's neck, blinking green every few seconds. [b]"Well uh,"[/b] Subject #003 started, [b]"I uhm.... I sorta..."[/b] Her head dipped down. [b]"I stole it."[/b] She looked at the masterful craftsmanship as Stella finished sewing, her mouth agape in awe. [b]"It looks so much better, thank you."[/b] Her head tilted curiously.[b] "Did you feel that?"[/b] Again, a slight tremor shook the underwater cave. And then again, stronger. Subject #003's eyes bulged, gripping onto Stella's arm. Above the tower, arcing down from the flashing 'sky,' was a single, glowing, white orb. [h3]"אני מתגעגע אליהם"[/h3] Strange noises penetrated the air as the orb hovered above them. If either Stella or Nick chose to, their AI assistants could translate this, being well-versed in ancient languages. The orb seemed to pause, then slowly drifted towards the forest, disappearing in between the trees. Subject #003 watched it go, then turned to Stella and Nick. [b]"I don't know what it wants, but it keeps following me. I figured it's after something. Maybe it needs peace? I don't know, but I've searched almost the entire ruins, and I haven't found anything it likes..."[/b] If Nick and Stella decided to pursue the white orb, their path would lead them deep into the woods, where an old, decrepit crypt lay. However, to get there, they would have to go through the wolves still circling the tower. Having finished the beef jerky, they had started growling again, snapping at them and sizing them up as prey. [i]Delicious[/i] prey.