[color=lightblue][center][h1]Watcher[/h1][/center][/color] Watcher was content to spot that his first salvo had been effective on all counts. The dish had taken critical damage, the one team of MAs had been torn to shreds by the smart munitions, and the turret housing the cannon he had targeted was down for the count. Fire support effective, and while monitoring other pilot activities, he noted that Fallen Angel was effectively engaging the enemy, though not engaging in lethal tactics. He was tracking targets as they went down, noting the attacks had disabled rather than killed. As long as the enemy was dealt with and couldn't get back up, that would suffice for these circumstances. In an actual war, that was not the best plan, because while dragging back downed allies did take more resources, they could be sent back into combat at a later point. Dead was dead, and would require fully replacing. But, given the situation, it would not be worth pursuing any sort of commentary. The warning on avoiding his ear drums getting blown out by the wall of noise being sent towards the Ultima comms channels. Better them than Watcher, though he synced his fire control systems with the newcomer as well, gathering further information while considering the circumstances. Four Augs were a tough thing to slow down, let alone stop, and that would continue to be the case when he picked up a new target while preparing to continue mopping up cannons before they could target lock and open fire. Arthropod, slow, durable, and capable of bringing incredible force into the battlefield. Besides the obvious main heavy laser cannon, the variety of turrets meant possible point defenses. He couldn't hammer it down alone, but he didn't have to. Right now he was in a relatively safe spot to act, being the farthest away, and in spite of the locking cannons and sudden Arthropod line threat, his voice was dead calm. [color=lightblue]"Blinding the Arthropod with countermeasures, stay clear. Recommend focus firing cannons during countermeasure window, then coordinating all points attack on the Arthropod."[/color] While Walker spoke, he was loading another missile firing sequence into PAMS. First missile was HMAA, aimed at one of the cannons still operational. A top/down strike by the missile would hopefully bypass armor. The remaining three missiles in this batch would fire nearly at the same time, one HMAA and the deliberately named 'Countermeasures', two of his three WPCF missiles. The first HMAA would hopefully draw initial point defense fire, so that one of the WPCF missiles could effectively blind the Arthropod. With everything in order, Watcher sent the launch signal, the next batch of missiles firing off. The HMAA tasked towards a cannon would arc deliberately high before spiking down towards the, hopefully, vulnerable top armor. The remaining three would hurtle towards the Arthropod, the HMAA aimed for the base of the heavy laser cannon. The two WPCF missiles would be armed to detonate in front of the Arthropod, scattering an initial screen of chaff and flares to interfere with non visual targeting systems, while the White Phosphorus smoke screen would block visual acquisitions. With the agility of the team, they would be able to move around the blocking screen if need be should it overstay its welcome, and buy them enough time to finish the cannons ideally. Almost as an afterthought, Watcher fired his reloaded Thermal Accelerators, aiming at the cannon he had sent an HMAA missile towards, focusing his fire to bring another cannon down before beginning to reload all spent systems.