[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] "Oh, people will look at you wrong if you slip up, but the knights will do that for everyone. At least [i]your[/i] mistakes are likely to have a low body count, unlike if someone else were to lose control for some reason," Tyaethe answered, shrugging, "Unless you incite a mass slaughter, nobody's going to kick you out, and you don't seem capable since... what's the right word..." "You're [i]empathetic[/i] and your power is [i]sympathetic.[/i] At the point you would have the influence and mindset to do it, it's already a battle. There's some forms of meditation and prayer that I learned when I was young that seemed to help, they might be useful to you." Of course, that would mean more of the [i]boring[/i] side of associating with the church--and definitely a more subdued part of a paladin's clerical education--but it was something. "Uh..." Tyaethe looked at the half-demon like she'd grown a second head. What was with these people and taking offers of assistance as invitations to be friendly?