So I reworked the system a bit using a dice pool. Tell me what you think. [hider=Racing Machines go VROOM Ver 2.0 (dice pool):] Basic gameplay: Roll a pool of d6s.1-3 is a failure, 4-6 is a success. All 1s resort in a malfunction of whatever stat was rolled for one turn. All 6s result in a bonus action. Vehicle Stats and their meanings: The vehicle level values are how many d6s you get to roll. Turbo Acceleration Level (TAL): How fast the vehicle can go when the acceleration is hit; the higher the level, the quicker you can go in the less amount of time Turbo Acceleration Level 1-Takes a while to affect vehicle speed 2-Takes some time 3-kicks in almost right away Durability Level (DL): How many hits the vehicle can tank; the higher the stat, the more hits you can take. DL Level 1: 32 HP (Can take 2 max hits from a DL 3 vehicle) DL Level 2: 54 HP (Can take 3 max hits from a DL 3 vehicle) DL Level 3: 64 HP (Can take 4 max hits from a DL 3 vehicle) Durability Level (must be opposite of TAL unless TAL is a 2) 1- made of tinfoil 2- can take a few hits 3- practically a tank Handling Level (HL): Reaction time of the vehicle to what a driver does; the higher the level, the better you can take sharp turns and avoid obstacles. Handling Level 1-not good at sudden turns 2- handles turns okay 3- turns on a dime Three possible actions a player can do: Accelerate: Number of dice rolled= TAL Stat Failure: Don’t gain speed Succeed: Zoom time; opponent gets a reaction chance Attack: Number of dice rolled= DL Stat Failure: Miss Succeed: roll damage dice; opponent gets a reaction chance Damage dice: Number of dice equal to DL Taking damage: Subtract damage dice value from opponent’s vehicle HP Maneuver (avoiding obstacles, avoiding another vehicle, etc.): Number of dice rolled= HL Stat Failure: maneuver is unsuccessful Succeed: maneuver is successful Reaction chance: Players can roll 1d6, failure means no reaction can happen; success means you can try to mitigate some of what your opponent did. Reactions: If your opponent chooses Attack: Tank It!: Roll 1d6: On a success, decrease damage done after hit by opponent by subtracting DL; failure take an additional 1d6 of damage. Retaliate: Roll 1d6; on a success, damage the attacker by 1d6; on a failure, cause 3pts of damage to yourself. If your opponent chose to accelerate or maneuver: Bump: Roll 1d6 to see if you bump them. If failed, you take 3pts of damage. If successful, they take 3pts and have to roll handling to see if they can pull ahead or remain neck and neck Block: Roll 1d6; a success means you prevent them from passing you; a failure means they clip you and go on ahead. Take 1d6 of damage. [/hider]