Route 1 [@Pyromania99] [hr] “Hm…?” The girl glanced up from her phone, a neutral, mostly unreadable expression present on her features. “You make a habit of bothering cute girls or did I look that out of place?” Her tone of voice made it hard to tell if she was joking or not. “Not interested, even if you are kind of cute.” The woman fished a small lollipop out of her jacket pocket, unwrapped it, and proceeded to stuff it in her mouth. A few long seconds passed as the girl simply stared, a somewhat deadpan expression. Camila got the distinct feeling that whoever this girl was she wasn’t particularly that into having small talk or conversation. “ Sorry, let me do that again. My partner says I need to try and be more sociable with people.” She sighed after some time, though it was clear she wasn’t particularly into the whole idea. “Actually…you a trainer? Maybe you can find my partner. She wandered off into the forest and I don't feel like walking after her. She's hard to miss.” [hider=Some actions/locations you could go to] Find pokemon (Specify if you’re looking for anything in particular or how you look) Find trainers to battle (Probably not hard to find other trainers to battle here of varying skill levels) Train pokemon. (Skip the grind, and we get to the result. Tell me how you train and if you just grind wild mon or some other creative training) Move along. (Don’t want to engage with anything and move quickly to the next destination? Go ahead, then. A few events may prevent this.) Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) Area Specific: There are a handful of fishermen along the river. Perhaps they might have something interesting. You could always head back to Byjerlfal [/hider]