[h1][center]Snow[/center][/h1] [hr] Garrett grimaced and swore colourfully in a handful of languages as the Arthropod lumbered its' way onto the scope. Of course, most of those languages he only knew for those swear words, but the effect was what he wanted. Valika's message came over the comm channels, and Garrett gave a curt nod of approval as he replied. "Roger, Redknight. I'll give you some covering fire; you concentrate on those cannons before they can make a mess of us, over!" Slaloming and weaving to give a harder target, the [i]Sentinel[/i] dodged and surged between the plumes of dirty smoke thrown up by near-misses. Even under the enclosing womb of armour around the machines' cockpit, he could hear debris patter and ring off of the armoured hull of the AUG. Deft and quick movements of his fingers and hands bought the AUGs' smart beam gun into play, the long-barrelled weapon unfolding into position to be grippd in the metal-shod hands. Immediately, the barrel started to weave and bob as it tracked in on targets and with a [url=https://youtu.be/kDQbu32cx1A?si=nkG212CXO3ajzhJW]distinctive sound,[/url] bright charged particle beams whipped off, targeted at MA's even as they fired at the AUG. Snow's shots were decisive and true; guided both by the smartgun's tracking and his own sharp, albeit single-eyed, gaze, and the MA's he targeted exploded or slumped into piles of scrap.