It was hard to define what was going through Andrew's head as Lux started to 'heroically' lead the way towards the stage at the edge of the festival. He followed because it seemed like the direction that needed to be traveled, alongside the fact that at least Kohaku was also heading that way. Seeing the student and the 'wraith' on stage together through... Something clicked in Andrew's head. It didn't click immediately, but as he had more of a chance to take in more of the body of the Wraith and listened to what it had to see... it was like puzzle pieces had just slipped into place. He didn't know this boy since he wasn't in his class, didn't know his history or family... and yet in this moment he could already tell what kind of person he must be like and the struggles that plagued him. As someone who actively followed anime and media which actively explored mental concepts, this situation was surprisingly understandable to him. But what cemented it was a poem that he remembered listening to on the internet on a day that he needed a bit of encouragement that had stuck with him. Stepping forward, the hatchet remained in his hand but it was held in a non-threatening manner. Something to be used if things went south but he wanted to try talking first. "[color=f26522]...You're the one that... Watanabe?...[/color]" He might have glanced towards his fellow teachers turned magical girls to make sure he was getting the name right before rallying "[color=f26522]Watanabe sees in the mirror, aren't you? The voice that tells him that he is taking on way to much responsibility, work and stress but whom he doesn't listen to because he is terrified of disappointing others.[/color]" Taking a moment to see how the entity or the boy connected to it reacted to being talked to and acknowledged, Andrew decided to continued "[color=f26522]I'm Mr Brown. You might not know me that well because you're not in my class. But if you're willing to let me, I can help both of you to ease the weight that is choking the life out of you. Because that is what this whole situation is right now; Self destruction.[/color]" He took a quick breath before finishing "[color=f26522]...Because as amazing as it must feel to destroy something at long last... the weight is still there, isn't it?[/color]"