[center][h1]R-18[/h1][/center] Tallow didn't stop. For a heavy AUG like HIGH IMPACT, stopping in the range of a defensive placement was a death sentence. The speed that she had built up was one of the few advantages she had. Bullets fired from small arms as MAs advanced towards her. It was like the sound of rain. Though, the shrill reverberation of metal took away from any peace that could be found. Streaks of silver formed as rounds deflected off of HIGH IMPACT's carapace-like armour. Paint was, at the very least, cheap and easy to fix. Tallow aimed at the ground in front of her and waited. While her right hand kept carefully aiming at the ground, her left hand was held above to carefully manage an overhead switchboard. A heavy cannon slowly turned to put HIGH IMPACT in its line of fire. [b]"I know you want to..."[/b] She sang to herself. [b]"But you're going to miss..."[/b] Every single warning system screamed at her. The blaring sirens and alerts overwhelmed the raindrops called bullets. Then she pulled the trigger. A great plume of dust erupted in front of her. Swiftly, she flicked an overhead switch and slammed her arm into HIGH IMPACT's controls. Her AUG was blinded. No sensors to track. The heavy cannon fired. Was it panic from losing target lock or prophetic timing? The round pieced through the dust and shattered the earth. HIGH IMPACT had managed to turn its way out the round's path using a massive impulse from its right thrusters. [b]"Hire people who have patience, dickheads!"[/b] Tallow bit her lip. HIGH IMPACT didn't have the engine to do that a second time. No, she was already running at capacity. Momentum was the only reason why she could run at high speeds for any longer than a brief second. Still, she had seconds to work with as her warning systems had yet to yell. It was actually quite pleasant. No bullets deflecting off her baby. No blaring sirens. Just the blissful noise of a muffled battlefield. She aimed in front of her again. This time, she wasn't aiming at the ground. She unleashed a cacophony of grenades that took out MAs and shredded what fortifications were in front of her.