[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1131065754469539920/1131065953820610652/Zero.gif[/img][/center][color=gray][sup][b][color=#AACCDD]MENTIONS:[/color][/b] [@Skai] [b][color=#AACCDD]INTERACTIONS:[/color][/b] Still talking with new roommate Haven [b][color=#AACCDD]LOCATION:[/color][/b] New Alcatraz, San Francisco, California, US [b][color=#AACCDD]NOW PLAYING:[/color][/b] Still nothing.[/sup][/color] [hr] [indent][indent][color=gainsboro][color=#AACCDD]"Planes go up, like, five miles into the air,"[/color] Zee remarked in a matter-of-fact tone that masked how impressed she was. So Haven [i]can[/i] fly with those. It must be nice to be able to reach the open air and soar through it like it was nothing. Though there was little enthusiasm when talking about her wings. The flight came with unwanted cargo, it seemed. Zee nodded at the explanation, silent confirmation that she would pry no more. Now, as for what kind of trouble she herself was... [color=#AACCDD]"It does have to do with the gloves, actually,"[/color] Zee said. She reckoned that it'd be easier to just show Haven. Reaching into her backpack, the blonde picked up a plastic bottle of water, reasonably full. With a deep breath that frosted up in the air like a winter day, she took the risk and removed her left glove. Pale bare skin made contact with the bottle, and it was not long before the water within froze completely and thoroughly. So sudden and swift was the freezing, loose droplets on the bottle's plastic froze into ice particulates that flaked down onto her lap. [color=#AACCDD]"I'm an ice person. I freeze things."[/color] Before anything bad could happen, Zee put the gloves back on and left the bottle of water next to the sunlight so as to melt. It'd be a waste of water otherwise. All well and good for now, but Haven needed to know the risk her roommate posed. She owed her that much. [color=#AACCDD]"...Yes, I can freeze people too. They die if I do that. So, gloves."[/color] Haven did not look like the type of person to judge, of that Zee was grateful, but people's opinions tend to change when forces that could take their lives were in the conversation. She was dangerous, she might be the only kid here who deserved this incarceration guised as counseling. She wouldn't begrudge anyone for calling her for what she was: a monster. Then again, she wasn't exactly able to begrudge much of anything anymore, was she? [/color] [/indent][/indent]