[@Arista] I don't want our actual casual conversation to get too buried before I get the gumption to respond to RL-based chatter. Otherwise, I'll completely forget it even exists. That's part of why I like having something more designated for questions and IC-based discussions. Some times I have the mental power to talk story, others RL chatter, but only have the mental capacity to do one. So, I'm moving your question/answer here! [quote=Arista] So I have a question about the noble house that will help my guys house. How does naming the noble house work? Or the town they reside in?[/quote] I think that that that was somewhat covered in the initial posts, but remember that there's a difference between the Ruling Houses and Noble Houses. Ruling Houses are the overarching rulers (like the king/queen or president), while Noble Houses are more like Lords/Ladies or governors that work under the Ruling Houses. The Houses are named after the surnames, along with the regions and territories (like countries for the Ruling Houses, and counties for the Noble Houses). Some have been the same as long as anyone can remember, while some have changed from the Ruling/Noble House getting swapped out. When the surname of a House changes, so too does the region or territory. The royal city or any other towns are whatever you want. You could have it named after some ancient family dog or something, for all I care. Like, I mention Ironvale and Ragford in Nyx's profile. They have no real significance, just random names I thought sounded like they could be city names. In-story, it's whatever whoever founded the city or town (there is a difference! 🙂) decided to call it. Like the real-world Manitou Springs, Chicago, Austin, etc.