[center][b][h3][color=00ff00]J'eon the Blacksmith[/color][/h3][/b][/center] The cart had been loaded for hours. He was ready to "hit the road" as the hu-mans say, but large groups took forever to get ready. He sighs, munching on a fresh tuber. When he returned, he wanted to be more than prepared for the work at hand. [hr] [center][h3][color=00ff00][b]Jack Mallory, X.O.[/b][/color][/h3][/center] "Mystique, huh?" Jack paused, then returned to his cabin, only to step out moments later with his garment bag. Perhaps this would help bring that mystique the captain wanted. Or at least he'd have something to be buried in. "Okay people," he said, his voice raspy in the mask. "You should have ten days worth of rations, two quarts of water, decon tablets for your canteens, your supplement tablets, your translators, and your essential gear. We'll be trying to acclimatize as we go to the local conditions, eating the local food, and learning as much as possible while keeping from telling our escorts too much." He smiled thinly. "Some of you disagree with this, but keep in mind if they try something before they're ready, it could be a disaster for them. And we don't want to thrust that on them, do we?" "So, if you feel light-headed or a pain in your chest, don't try to tough it out."