Think I've hammered out a solid sheet, but I am posting this fairly late where I am, so please let me know if anything needs altering! [hider=The (metal)Man of T.O Morrow] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Red Tornado [b][u]Alias:[/u][/b] It's still Red Tornado [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Was built roughly a year and two months ago. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Reflective. Blunt. Selfless. Sentimental. Uncertain. [b][u]Powers:[/u][/b] [b]Aerokinesis[/b] - The defining feature of Red Tornado is his ability to generate and, to a limited degree, manipulate wind. This primarily takes the form of, as his name would imply, tornadoes. Able to generate strong whirling winds from his arms and legs in a variety of ways in both offensive and defensive use. He can also utilize this ability to fly at high speeds. [b]Enhanced Physicals[/b] - Now, compared to any heavy hitter, Red Tornado's physical prowess is nothing much. But as an android made of tough metal, he is both more durable and physically stronger than any unpowered human. However aside from when using his Aerokinesis, his speed is unchanged. And, as a man of metal instead of flesh and blood, he can be rebuilt if destroyed but not outright killed. [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [b]I, Robot[/b] - As an android, Red Tornado trades the standard human weakness suite (disease, bloodloss, et cetera), for a whole new group of weaknesses. While protected to a degree against things like EMPs, they still present a danger to him. As are things like computer viruses, and if his outer layer is damaged and his circuitry exposed, liquids are very dangerous. [b]Villainous Roots[/b] - Red Tornado was programmed to, among other things, kill the Justice League. Though the technicians at STAR Labs are confident they've remedied this, the idea of villainous programming laying dormant frequently makes Red Tornado hesitate and second guess his own actions. Plus, it can be very hard to work alongside someone who was originally built to be your enemy. [b][u]Background Hero:[/u][/b] Doctor Mid-Nite [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [url=]Red Tornado[/url] is a red android with a yellow arrow on his head, and three partial circles on his chest, with the empty space between the three resembling a capital T. His body is sleek and humanoid, metallic but otherwise not appearing particularly robotic. But his face is relatively featureless. With three sunken rectangles to represent eyes and a mouth, and little else. He wears a blue cape when performing super heroics. At the current time, Red Tornado does not have any sort of human disguise. [b][u]Potential Storylines:[/u][/b] [b]Measure of a Man[/b] - Red Tornado's creator, Doctor T.O. Morrow, has escaped prison and started a new evil scheme, with his scientific mind, he has plenty of tools at his disposal to enact any plans he wishes to. This puts Red Tornado in direct opposition with his 'father' for the first time. With Red Tornado terrified to meet his creator, fearing he may fall back on his villainous programming and try to harm his comrades. [b]The Clash of Storms[/b] - The dastardly Weather Wizard has modified his Weather Wand, hooking it up to a beacon to massively increase his range. He's been using his control over weather to hold Central City and its sister City, Keystone, hostage. And he plans to expand his reach even further. The League is on the case, pitting Red Tornado's twisters up against Weather Wizard's storms. [b]Attack of the Killer Robots[/b] - Some villain has unleashed an army of murderous androids. Already very bad! Looks like a job for the Justice League! But Red Tornado has a problem; these androids are relentless, they refuse to stop in their tasks no matter what. And they are also very much on the android side of robots. Humanoid. The idea of destroying them is deeply uncomfortable to the Android hero. But the refusal to do so may endanger human lives. In general, stories touching on Red Tornado's humanity, and him growing to understand and participate in human relationships, would all be rad in my book. [b][u]BRIEF Bio:[/u][/b] Doctor T.O. Morrow was one of several evil geniuses to oppose the Justice League. And like the others, he didn't have a great win/loss ratio. Sure, he had a few near-wins, a few death rays that nearly did their job, some killer robots or suped up super tanks that put the League on the ropes. But there was simply no way to defeat a united front that strong. So he sought a different method, creating an android, and programming it to be a hero, temporarily. But with a push of a button, T.O. Morrow could kill that false programming to reveal the robot's true intentions; to destroy the Justice League. He had to dub the Android with a suitably heroic name, and decided upon; Red Tornado. It was a slow plan, but the Doctor was confident his patience would be rewarded, Red Tornado appeared on the scene of a natural disaster, and using his Aerokinesis, helped the League save many lives. Introductions were had, and Red Tornado expressed interest in working with them further. A few calls in to assist here and there, a few temporary team-ups, and the League seemed to trust him as a fellow hero. Which was when he struck. T.O. Morrow planned a heist, and when the league arrived to fend off his mechanical minions, he hit the killswitch. Red Tornado turned on his allies, nearly succeeding in destroying the league because of the unexpected double-cross, before a timely intervention from the previously busy Superman. Red Tornado fought alongside the Doctor's other creations, but during the battle, threw himself in front a stray laser that risked hitting a civilian. The League won the battle, and had to decide what to do with Red Tornado. They put it to a vote, with Red Tornado himself suggesting they vote against him, as he believed the only reason he saved the civilian's life was because of the hit he took from Hawkgirl's mace damaged his systems, causing him to temporarily revert to his false heroics programming. Being so against taking the risk on him was actually a point in his favor, and the League decided to give him a chance. They sent him to STAR Labs for repairs, and to ensure the dormant programming to destroy the League was removed. And now, with the League in dire need of new members, and Red Tornado finally being cleared, he intends to repay the kindness shown to him. [b][u]Notes:[/u][/b] This is a Red Tornado very early in his career, with several alterations. One being the change in time period, as originally in the comics he was created for the JSA, not the JLA. Two being that I dropped the fact that he is possessed by a psychic space cyclone, because I think that muddies the concept a little. [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [hider=If you let a robot read philosophy, he's gonna end up annoying.] A faint [i]whrrr[/i]ing noise comes to a halt in the middle in the Keystone City Branch STAR Labs. Coming from one of the physical testing chambers. Within the chamber was the aftermath of a relatively destructive test, with damaged training equipment, busted test dummies, and other pieces of wreckage strewn about. In the center, seated in two folding chairs that survived the tests, are a man, and a machine. [b]"You have a clean bill of health, Mister Tornado. Sound of robot body, sound of robot mind."[/b] Doctor Simonson, Red Tornado's primary technician in the lab, says with a practiced smile while writing something down in his notepad. It had been half a year since Red Tornado had checked himself in to STAR Labs at the Justice League's insistence, and now he was finally checking out. The word [i]finally[/i] was not intended to be used as a way to scorn the Lab. It had been nothing but helpful, and the staff treated Red with a kindness he was still uncertain was deserved, and was certain it was not necessary given he was a machine. But they offered it freely regardless. No, the word 'finally' was merely because he had begun to grow restless. It was a relatively new feeling, and the excitement of experiencing it temporarily eased the agitation, but only temporarily. He wished to pay back the kindness given him to, and could not do that when subjected to (an entirely agreed upon) house arrest. Mercifully, they granted him a great deal of literature to read during his time there. He particularly liked the books on Philosophy, especially Confucianism. A dated philosophy, certainly, but Red Tornado's circumstances made it all the more impactful to read about a way of thought centered around the value of personal ethics and morality. During one particularly rough day, he had compared himself to Confucius, and Doctor Morrow to the Qin Dynasty, eager to suppress his freedom. It was an egotistical thought, and he was very glad he had not shared it. Realizing he had let himself be drawn into thought, and had yet to properly respond to his doctor, Red Tornado hastily organizes his thoughts and responds. [b][color=ed1c24]"I am pleased to hear that, Doctor.."[/color][/b] The word gave him pause. It felt wrong to refer to a professional and not use their title, but Doctors always made him think of his [s]father[/s] creator. [b][color=ed1c24]"You and your staff have done an excellent job repairing me."[/color][/b] He felt he ought to say something more personal, but nothing came to mind. [b]"It was honestly a pleasure. We've never worked with an Android quite like you before, and you were a model patient."[/b] Simonson rose from his seat, and Red Tornado mirrored him. The two shook hands, with Doctor Simonson clapping the android on the shoulder. [b]"I know you're eager to get out there now that you're able to. But if you need to, don't hesitate to come back, alright Red?"[/b] Red Tornado did not truly have any intention of returning. He had relied on their kindness long enough, and did not desire to be any more burdensome. But the offer was very much appreciated. [b][color=ed1c24]"I will keep that in mind, Doctor. Please relay my gratitude to the rest of your staff."[/color][/b] Stiffly, Red Tornado turns to the wreckage, and with a spin of his arms (in the sense that the limbs rotated at the elbows in place, not that they were actually spun), generates a spiraling stream of air that pulls in all of the wrecked training equipment, and deposits it in a far more easy to manage pile. Then, with a nod, Red Tornado moves to depart. With no belongings of his own, there was no need to pack. And with no family.. no [i]real[/i] family, there was no one to call. He had nothing he was required to do any longer. He could go wherever he wanted now, do whatever he wanted. And what he wanted to do, whether it was an earnest desire or merely an error in his code.. Was to become a real hero. [/hider] [/hider]