[h2][color=gray]HiveMind, Underwater Research Facility[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps], [@WhiteAngel25] [hr] [i][b]"Stella!"[/b][/i] [b]"No! We can't leave him behind!"[/b] Subject #3 cried out, struggling as Stella dragged her out of the simulation room. The door had been knocked clear off its hinges with a single kick, the bullets creating their escape. However, before Nick could follow, drones snuck into his blind spot, stabbing him with the end of a stun prong. His body convulsed as he fell, stunned on the floor. The orb seemed not to want to leave Nick's side, and its hesitation caused the drones to hit it point-blank with an electromagnetic shockwave, de-materializing it in one fell swoop. Footsteps. Security personnel were storming the hallway, prepared to subdue them all. Stella gave Subject #3 one final, forceful tug. [b]"No!"[/b] Subject #3 watched helplessly as she was dragged from the room, Stella securing their escape and disappearing from the premises. There was the sound of barked orders as security personnel dispersed, trying to cut Stella and Subject #3 off, but to no avail. They had only managed to bag one, and Nick was quickly detained and dragged deeper into the recesses of the underwater research facility. The cause of the tremors remained unknown, and slowly faded as subjugation fell over the research center once more. [hr] [h2][color=gray]The Louvre Museum[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps] [hr] As fate would have it, a call rang through on Thierry's personal line. A video call. If he decided to pick it up, he would see the sillouette of a man sitting at his desk, leaned to the side with his head rested on his hand casually, entirely aloof. A single strip of white cut through his slicked-back black hair, his silver spectacles and chain resting on his nose. Thierry would recognize him immediately. The lead researcher of HiveMind. Von Galloes. [b]"Morning, Monsieur Thierry. [i]Comment ça va?[/i] I trust you're sleeping well these days."[/b] He paused, grey eyes gleaming as he sneered. [b]"No? No, I supposed not."[/b] He leans forward, hands steepling as his cold eyes bore into the leader of The Louvre. [b]"You have no cards, Thierry. No bargaining ground, an no way to save your precious love. Oh, trust me, he's in good hands. But I wonder... What will you give up to keep your little pet safe, hm?"[/b] He gives a wave of his hand. [b]"I'm a simple man, Monsieur Thierry. I want simple things. Just information. Surely, if you want him returned home in one peace, you can do that for me."[/b] His tone dropped to an icy note. [b]"And if you hold back, I will know it."[/b] He flicks at something off-screen, likely a hologram of sorts. [B]"I will send you the details of our 'business meeting'. Hopefully we can come to a... fortuitous agreement."[/b] His smile was cold. [b]"G'day, Monsieur Thierry. And... don't be late."[/b] After the line cut off, Thierry received a text. [i] [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=meeting+room+new+york&client=ms-android-bell-ca-revc&sca_esv=578690205&sxsrf=AM9HkKkb62VAvaPnP3BNbqs97AgAKCyAHQ%3A1698891414968&ei=lgZDZZ3fOqbcptQP67uJiAE&oq=meeting+room+new+york&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhVtZWV0aW5nIHJvb20gbmV3IHlvcmsyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIIEAAYigUYhgMyCBAAGIoFGIYDSIcvULgTWKkscAN4AJABAJgBmgGgAbsSqgEENi4xNrgBA8gBAPgBAagCD8ICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgcQIxjqAhgnwgIKECMYigUY6gIYJ8ICBxAjGIoFGCfCAgQQIxgnwgIIEAAYigUYkQLCAgsQLhiKBRixAxiDAcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIREC4YgwEYxwEYsQMY0QMYgATCAgcQABiKBRhDwgINEC4YigUYsQMYgwEYQ8ICCBAAGIoFGLEDwgIHEC4YigUYQ8ICChAAGIoFGLEDGEPCAg0QLhiKBRixAxjUAhhDwgINEAAYigUYsQMYyQMYQ8ICDhAAGIoFGLEDGIMBGJECwgIKEAAYigUYyQMYQ8ICDRAAGIAEGBQYhwIYkgPCAgoQABiABBgUGIcCwgIIEAAYgAQYyQPCAggQABiKBRiSA8ICChAAGIAEGMkDGArCAgcQABiABBgKwgIIEAAYFhgeGA_iAwQYACBBiAYBkAYI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D&trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:17647929238414703745,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_lqi:ChVtZWV0aW5nIHJvb20gbmV3IHlvcmtaHyIVbWVldGluZyByb29tIG5ldyB5b3JrKgYIAxAAEAGSARhtZWV0aW5nX3BsYW5uaW5nX3NlcnZpY2WqAXwKCS9tLzAxaDZjYgoJL20vMDJfMjg2CgovbS8wMnE2MGxzCggvbS8wNmh0MRABKhAiDG1lZXRpbmcgcm9vbSgAMh8QASIb8CdQEjhKUKv5t1Dhh7bPUJAA0JCfEcPd3wsaMhkQAiIVbWVldGluZyByb29tIG5ldyB5b3Jr,trex_id:dY7U8e]Davinci Meeting Rooms[/url] 380 Lexington Ave, New York, 10168 Time: 7:00PM Additional Notes: Approach the front desk and ask to see Director Galloes.[/i] It was dated for later that day. HiveMind was purposefully giving Thierry only a handful of hours to prepare and take a charter to New York. What their aim was, it was unsure. To keep him on his toes, stress on his mind and body, pressure him? Whatever it was, Thierry was now faced with a choice. Attend the meeting with the information related to the dark energy HiveMind sought, or find another way to bring Nick home. [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/tEzYsaLm7nw?si=IQey8PKXNAx-sngn[/youtube][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hivemind Underwater Research Facility, Contained Lab[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps] There was the sound of beeping on the outer console, then a hiss as a security door out of sight was unlocked. Footsteps entered the room, and a silhouette entered Nick's vision. The moment the man opened his mouth, Nick would recognize his voice. Von Galloes, the head researcher. [b]"Well, well, how's our sleeping beauty?"[/b] He remarked snidely, a cruel smirk on his face. He reached out, putting a hand on Nick's forehead, head tilting. He turned to the doctor. [b]"He's running a bit hot, doctor. Please be careful with my patient. He's more valuable than you could imagine."[/b] He looked back over Nick, staring at him for a long moment before speaking. [b]"I spoke with your spouse today. Told him not to worry. You're in good hands. The best hands, in fact."[/b] There's a cold edge in his voice. He addressed the doctor again. [b]"Push him a little, doctor. Search him for anything that could be of use to us. Use the serum if you have to. Then, burn away what we don't need. I want him to be [i]perfect[/i]."[/b] [hr] [h2][color=gray]HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails[/color][/h2] [@WhiteAngel25] [hr] After their dastardly escape, the hours quickly slipped into weeks and months. There was no easy way out of the underwater research facility. Stella and Subject #3 made a strong team, but against a wired facility that could hit the panic button and rain hell at a moment's notice, even being seen was risky. Instead, they followed the duct system deeper into the hidden depths of this old facility, finding a cut-off section that hadn't been inhabited for years, dust covering the floor. The best way to describe it was maintenance rails that seemed to connect the outer side of the facility together. They could reach almost any part of the facility following the rail walks, and enter the duct system. This even allowed them to locate where Nick was being held, as well as the orb. It was that day, however, as they tried to formulate a plan to save Nick and get out alive, Stella and Subject #3 overheard a certain conversation. From the ducts, they eyed through the grill to the hallway below, where two researchers stood, unaware. [b]"Status report." "Nothing, just the same as the past several months. I'd say we've even taken a step back. Memory Core #0217 has become even less responsive." "Has Director Galloes considered letting Subject #4 visit the core?" "Too risky. Not until the doctor has finished the inauguration process." "What about uniting the core and DCC #07?" "We have done that in the past, it resulted in those shockwaves that almost breached the hull. Regardless, it's too risky, even if it produces a unique result. Nothing seems to break the core, and nothing seems to open the heart." "We have to keep trying. Director Von Galloes says it's of the utmost importance." "Of course. Not every day you come across condensed dark energy as strong as a heart."[/b] And their conversation faded off, the scientists walking out of earshot. Subject #3 stared for a long moment, before looking at Stella. [b]"The heart. I know what it is. What it [i]isn't[/i]."[/b] She spoke carefully, tapping her white collar. Saying too much about classified information, especially regarding this, could get her killed, not just electrocuted.