[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Time:[/color][/b] After qualifiers [B][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Training room B > Locker room [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]N/A [B][Color=00ffff]Trick or treat: [/color][/b]Detention for all of November[/center][hr]Finally, this thing was over. Now, she could get to what needed to be done. First things first, she flew up to the hostage cage, grabbed the first aid kit and administered what she could to the other team, leaving some prescription-free pain relievers with Rada once she was dug out. Then, she gathered her own flock: [Color=00ffff]"Locker room. Now."[/color] Once she shut the door behind them, all floodgates came open. Vicky turned on her heel, her gaze snapping to Zari [Color=00ffff]"What the hell was that?! If you have a problem with me or how I conduct myself in this role, you can tell me when we're here or almost any time else. But not in the middle of the bloody fight! If you do that again, I'll take you down myself! I'd rather be a pair of hands down than to have an undisciplined maverick like you running amok! I wouldn't trust you to pick up my groceries, let alone to have my back! It'd a coinflip whether you would show up with what I needed, or two days later having bought something completely different! I support proper initiative, when I tell you what needs doing, I won't micromanage you about how to get it done. Or like Ed and Leah have done, when I didn't actually have anything for them to do, they found how to use their skillset to help us achieve the objective. But so long as I am at the helm, this was the last time you told me me 'no' when I asked something of you, and then fucked off to do gods know what else!"[/color] Her head snapped around, addressing the rest of them: [Color=00ffff]"So let's hear it! Now, when it's actually supposed to happen and won't screw us over! All of you! Because I am done trying if you don't even want it, you can find someone else among you whom you'd feel more comfortable with."[/color] She lifted a bench and slammed it to the middle of the room, dividing it to two sides. [Color=00ffff]"Statement: Victoria is a leader I care to follow. Aye's to my left, Nay's to my right!"[/color] In the end, Diana and Leah stood in her corner, while Ed seemed to straddle the bench. Not enough of a unity to just tell Zari to fall in line or show herself out the door, but hopefully enough to make her at least think about whether she herself wanted to stay with the group. It wouldn't be the only change on a team this year after all. It wasn't all victories though. Afterwards, both Diana and Leah dropped by to tell her they did not appreciate how she handled the situation. Victoria understood, and apologized for it. She did let her emotions slip, although she would be lying if she said she did not feel a bit relieved afterwards. She also appreciated that they actually voiced their concerns immediately rather than letting them ferment. There was one other party though. Usagi did not exactly appreciate Vicky's efforts to make any changes to the team - composition or leadership wise - without her input, and gave Victoria a month of detention for her efforts. Victoria almost dug herself a deeper grave by asking what was the point of even appointing her as the head when she could make almost no decision, but caught herself at the last moment. Reasoning with the fuzzball was fighting windmills, and Victoria did not like expending any effort if it would only result in more detention. She would have to figure out how to approach this from another angle. [hr][center][b][Color=00ffff]Time:[/color][/b] Day of the Dance [B][Color=00ffff]Location: [/color][/b]Workshop > Cafeteria [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]N/A [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Frankenstein's monster costume[/center][hr]This event caused Vicky to have mixed feelings. One one hand, she could not care less about dancing. To her, not being asked to the dance by anyone was a sign that she made friends that knew her well. Dancing was an utter waste of motion, and it did not even look pretty! Once so many pairs were on the floor, one could barely see anything at all. And [i]all of them[/i] sweated bullets after a while, stinking up the place. The aspect she loved? The cosplay. There were some talented artists in this school, and Victoria set to out to join the ranks of those. She needed an idea though. She faffed with the idea of going as a vampire, but after a bit of introspection, she finally nailed the perfect costume for herself: Frankenstein's monster. She picked the one form the movie [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vanhelsingmovie/images/d/da/Frank.jpg]Van Helsing[/url] as a starting point, and crafted her own variant, calling the project 'Frankenstein's daughter'. The hidden design element were the iron braces around the ankles, which gave her a convenient out form any requests to dance. [i][color=00ffff]And those in the know oughta get a laugh out of this![/color][/i] she thought, putting in the final touches before heading out to the cafeteria. While she did not intend to dance, she did intend to get any gossip she could, and perhaps update her intel board.