[@PaulHaynek][@AzureKnight][@Crowvette][@The Irish Tree] [b][color=ed145b]Skarsneek of the Redhills[/color][/b] Skarsneek shrugged before getting into the cart as well and lied down, it was going to be a cramp time but he supposed he can take a little break until then. When a patrol arrived, Skarsneek kept a loose grip around his weapon and slowed his breath. Ears and eyes opened for a sudden strike if it comes down to it. Luckily they passed without incident, though the cries of the captured made him realized that the Varjans are working the locals and captured for wood. When they passed, Skarsneek remained in said position right until they finally passed and arrived at their destination proper. When Liliana went ahead to the barracks, Skarsneek hummed once before deciding it was best they Cracking his neck and leaving the cart, he moved to the top of the roof and quickly scanned the place. Getting a good layout of the area before coming to two possible locations. [color=ed145b]"Your call, boss."[/color] Skarsneek turned to Shizuka, he would rather the group move as one than split up. [color=ed145b]"I'll take the estate. Those Varjans sure love their fancy manors and all, if not, getting their mage is a bonus too."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Just remember, get them as distracted as possible."[/color] He then turned to Io. [color=ed145b]"You got any poison, powder of spells I can pack before I leave?"[/color] --- [b][color=f7941d][b]Gringor of the Ironhide tribe.[/b][/color][/b] Gringor squated down as he waited for the signal, tapping his fingers in annoyance as he looked at what path is best for him to let loose. That's when he caught scent of the underboss and turned to him, just as a signal lit up the skies. [color=f7941d]"Just in time, [b]let's get to it[/b]!" [/color]He articulated well this time as every speck of his muscle burst to action, filling the air with pheromones meant to excite and get the blood flowing for battle. Charging in, they sighted two watch towers that seemed to be proving a massive problem for the ones stuck inside. How boring. Moving towards one of them, Gringor pumped his legs harder and harder like a man possessed before flinging himself towards it. Just before it looked like he'll slam into it head on, Gringor hurled himself forward before striking the watchtower directly with his axe biting deep into the foundation. He pulled himself upwards and fingers swung forward hard enough to create small dents into the walls, creating a space for him to grab and like a insect. Crawled upwards furiously to the watch towers. Unheeding of the arrows as he kept his face down to prevent a lucky shot striking an eye. No need for him to look anyways, he can smell the humans miles away and had taken the time to memorize how tall the towers were. It wouldn't be long that he'll be inside.