[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6666FF]Demetri Rowan Howell[/color][/b] [b][color=CC00CC]Cassian Rudenko[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1125619539040813077/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Background.gif[/img][hr][b][color=6666FF]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6666FF]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][hr][/center] Demetri was becoming more and more afraid that he wouldn’t be able to break Alexios out of the trance. This place was a worse trap than he had imagined, and if everyone who fell under its spell kept running off to do whatever it was that they wanted…well then they’d be wasting all day just chasing each other and letting the mission fall to the wayside. What’s more, if what was said before was true and time truly didn’t flow the same in this hotel then who knows how much time they’d already spent out in the real world? His heart began to race, panic settling in as he wondered how long had passed, if his mother was worried about him. Had been a reasonable enough amount of time for her not to worry that he hasn’t w ritten back? Or did a full year go by and leave her wondering what became of her only son? No. Determination filled Demetri now more than ever as he tried to snap Alexios out of it all before trying to regroup with the rest. He gave a loud clap right next to the gods ear and suddenly the glaze faded away from his eyes, turning back towards the beautiful jade green they were before. [color=6666FF]”Right then. No more of that got it? Let's go to find the others and the only food we eat is what's crafted from those finely sculpted hands you got.”[/color] Demi took Alexios’s hand, pulling him away from the slot machines and towards where he thought he’d last seen the others. The lights and sounds of this place were the building's own form of defense. They were disorienting and constantly bombarding the senses as if the hotel itself was actively working against them. Luckily for him, it didn’t seem that the hotel had much sway over him. Having dodged every advance from the lotus eaters and being able to navigate the maze of people until he found Zeke and the rest. Once he’d caught sight, Demetri began to run, yanking Alexios behind him as he finally made it to Zeke. Sure he still wanted to yell at him, smack him, and tell him how incredibly stupid he’d been the past week but all of that didn’t matter now. Zeke was safe and that was all he cared about. [color=6666FF]”Bad news, Party God can party foul. He was lotus’d not too long ago, had to break him out of it.”[/color] Cassian smiled as the [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1170096211403997215/4c334b937f56bf8113ec798a61ba94f6.jpg?ex=6557cc04&is=65455704&hm=5a11f73b92a1f5365c1cb60ea884a4931e1bfa409531b1af0b3e9d814f65994c&]boy[/url] approached him, asking if they wanted to play together. He studied the boy's mannerisms, how he spoke, the way he approached, all to see if the guy was interested in him or simply being nice. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t appear to be. But that didn’t mean that that couldn’t change somehow. After all he had to have approached him for some reason beyond Skeeball. No stranger would simply do so without another motive. [color=CC00CC]”Been a while since I’ve played, might be a bit rusty. But I’d love it if you joined me.”[/color] He was an expert marksman, and honestly this game probably wouldn’t be too difficult for him. But every guy loved to help and explain something to another, and who knows maybe he’d get himself a Ghost moment. Cassian grabbed the ball, rolling his arm back before swinging it forwards and letting go. The ball ran up the lane before falling into the backboard and down the gutter. He gave the guy and awkward smile as he pushed his hair back a bit in false frustration. [color=CC00CC]”Like I said, been a while. May need a few pointers if you have any?”[/color] Cassian said as another ball slid down the reserve and clattered against the opening for them to grab. He held his hand out for the guy to grab, his smile changing to a warm and welcome one. [Color=CC00CC]”I’m Cassian by the way. What’s your name?”[/color] He wasn’t sure if he was getting anywhere with this guy, but who knows, some things took time and this might be one of them.