[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkafbwSo9tuFS84sBEbZ7fsbqzX-5qyt7z3g&usqp=CAU[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Dorm Room -> Stark Hall: Room Six [color=A2797E][b]Costume[/b]: [url=https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/a48f220/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1920x1080+0+0/resize/1200x675!/quality/75/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F83%2F96%2Fb92fab694a4f92fcd05ffce180b9%2Fshe-pd224-01192123-rgb.jpg]She-Ra[/url][/color] [color=A2797E][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A [/center] [hr][hr] After adjusting the last piece of her costume, Sabine stared at herself in the mirror. She was absolutely thrilled with how she looked. Her and her friends had all decided on a group costume this year. She didn't remember who suggested She-Ra, but she was glad for it. Not only did she love the show, but with her sword and blonde hair, she made the perfect She-Ra. And her costume only highlighted that. As she was checking herself out, her phone buzzed. She ignored it, assuming it was one of her friends asking how long she would be. But then it buzzed again. And again. And again. Sabine sighed and picked it up, seeing messages from her socials. Only....the messages weren't about likes or views. But comments. And not her usual assortment of positive and complimentary comments, but mean ones. Vile ones. She quickly pulled up her page and saw where the comments were originating. She didn't recognize the post, but it was clearly a picture of her. And the message on it was....well she didn't want to repeat it, even in her head. It was a brimming cocktail of homophobia, transphobia, and some sexism thrown in. Her followers had to know she wasn't like that. But the comments didn't seem to get that. She scrolled through it, reading some to herself. I hope you die xoxox. Always knu u were a hartless bitch. They went on. She needed to do some damage control. She was clearly hacked. She quickly changed her password and re-set up the two-step authentication. She got on live and waited until she saw the viewer count go up before she started speaking. [color=A2797E]"Hey all. I wanted to clear something up with you. I know you all saw that post of mine and how absolutely horrendous it was. In a time of fake apologies I do not want to add one more into the mix. Those of you that have followed me know I have been transparent in my beliefs and who I am as a person. I was hacked and whoever did so wanted to ruin me and the community I have set up here. I intend to investigate this and find out who did it. But I wanted to share something that, hopefully, will be a show of good faith. I am in a relationship with two wonderful girls. Out of respect for their privacy, I will not share who they are unless they give me express permission. I have been with them for a while now and love them both. Whoever attempted to attack me wanted to ruin this and I will not let them win. And I hope you all won't either. I can't stop your opinions or feelings and I encourage you to explore them. But allow me to try to undo the damage done."[/color] Sabine kept an eye on the comments as she spoke. Some were negative still, but a majority of them were supportive. She hoped she had done something to help mitigate this. Whoever hacked her had technological knowledge far surpassing the average person. She shook it off. Now was not the time to dwell. She had a party to get to. She quickly grabbed her phone and sword, sheathing both, and made her way to Danni and Dorian's room. As she approached, she noticed Percy and Madalyn hanging outside, both dressed up nicely. [color=A2797E]"Nice costumes you two. Did we knock already or are we just chilling in the hallway?"[/color]