[color=goldenrod][i][h2][center]Gerard Segremors[/center][/h2][/i][/color] [@VitaVitaAR][@The Otter][@Conscripts] [color=goldenrod]"Right,"[/color] The roll of parchment in his grasp rose, knocking against the black haired knight's temple twice as it drew Fionn's gaze in. While he wasn't too quick on the uptake as to why Fionn had been Serenity's specific suggestion, as surely any regular writing knight would do, it was a rare day where he didn't trust her judgement. He was no stranger to how sharp a mind younger than his could still be— A lesson she'd made sure to remind him applied to anyone, not just knights barely older than his sister yet tall enough to look him in the eye. The young ladies he was to send these missives off to, having lived all their lives in this world he was dipping his toes into with healthy trepidation. The Captain here, doubtless bright as any no matter how much she suffered through her grappling with the pressure of command. If anything, keeping her head on straight at all while having so many strong personalities and moving parts under her probably outstripped his own capability, regardless of the struggle. ... Both those kids back home, whip-smart as his back had been strong. He'd grabbed a few extra drafts' worth. It had been five years... maybe six by now. [color=goldenrod]"I'm not allowed to train, so I'm gonna take the day to follow up on stuff that needs doing. One of them is getting some letters written and sent— Serenity told me to bug you for proofreading before I take them the couriers' way. Figured I'd just find you and get it done in one go if you're headed somewhere, or if you'd need me later on. You mind?"[/color]