[b]"While I do appreciate the offer to kick at the Hive, I'm afraid I'm scheduled to go pick up our friends. If you do need help though,"[/b] the Vice President produced a box device with a simple button on it. [b]"This little beauty will immobilize enemies in seconds."[/b] He said as he left just before Thierry, Aaron, and Ramses were beamed out. The device was an electric bomb. The moment Thierry would detenate it, a radius of electricity would be released around him. Electrocuting any close enemies within a six foot circumference. [hr] Stella paid no mind to the fact Nick was naked, wasn't the first body she's seen and probably wouldn't be the last. She heard the gun shots as she assumed it had to be other agents, there was no other explaination. Stella did have a hard time keeping up with him once he got his sea legs back. She followed him into the room where voices were coming from and found him in the thick of battle. Stella recognized agents from various other organizations, including Thierry. [b]"Whoa, whoa, I don't think killing Nick is the answer here, Monsieur."[/b] Stella said as she walked over and squatted down to be eye level with Nick while Thierry held him. She had observed enough of the sessions with his personal doctor to figure out code words. [b]"#004, assignment is complete. You may relax and help us,"[/b] Stella said in a calm voice with steady breathing. Then the alarm rang out about the evacuation. Her eyes widen wit slight fear. [b]"#3, are you there?"[/b] She asked the same question a few more times before her heart broke. She went back out into the hallway to see monsters and experimentations. Stella gritted her teeth, #3 was supposed to hide in the vents until she returned, they still had time left. [b]"If you want to live, I suggest you follow me."[/b] Stella said and wasted no time in pulling out her sniper rifle. She then down several beasts. Her augmented vision saw the dark matter energy source of one of the bear creatures. She recalled what #3 said about the heart and what it wasn't. Stella took the chance while the creature was blinded by her sots and slid underneath one, using all her force to punch her dagger like hands into the creature's chest and ripped out its power source. It was one of the masks that #3 had in the VR temple. Stella ripped it out, she received a bit of repulse shock from said action but took it with whatever she had left. She was on a war path back to find #3. Stella rolled out under the creature in time before it fell on her, she lifted her bloodied arm at Nick and showed him the mask. [b]"I told you these were a dime a dozen,"[/b] she said a bit breathless as she made her way to the vents. Stella couldn't rest, she needed to make sure #3 was okay. She crawled cautiously through the vents, not bothering to care who followed her. The white haired and bloodied woman dropped down from the vent. [b]"3!"[/b] Stella exclaimed as she was relieved that the girl was still alive. The way #3 was positioned was definitely a trap but what choice did Stella have? She carefully rushed over to #3 but paused as she heard beeping. [b]"Please, don't let it be what I think is attached to you, 3,"[/b] Stella begged as pulled the blanket carefully off of her. Stella winced as a bomb of some sort had been strapped to the poor girl before her. She smiled softly. [b]"You were supposed to wait, silly. Now, look at what happened,"[/b] she spoke as an attempt to keep the situation as light-hearted as possible. Stella's features fell serious. [b]"I'll get that off of you, 3, I promise."[/b] She said as she removed the gag from #3's mouth and the blindfold.