[center][h3]Komatsu Bay[/h3][/center] [center][b]BREAKTHROUGH[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (SHI), [@Crowvette], [@Restalaan] (SKA) ~[/center] While [u]Liliana[/u] has gone to the barracks, the rest of the taskforce group remained on the roof planning their course of action. Since they have now lingered long enough in this occupied fortress, the scent of death and decay finally reached their noses. Varjan patrols could sometimes be spotted passing by and fortunately, these patrols appeared to not bother looking at the roofs of the houses. A water droplet soon splashed on [u]Io's[/u] hood. Looking up, the moon on the night sky was gone. Covered by a thick layer of clouds that heralded rain. And rain it did, a downpour fell on Komatsu Bay which forced most of the Varjan patrols inside buildings. Many of the patrols opted to shelter in the barracks where [u]Liliana[/u] went. [center]---[/center] [center]~ [@The Irish Tree] (LIL) ~[/center] The warrior Fairy flitted inconspicuously across the dirt streets of Komatsu Bay. Now that she had spent a bit of time in this occupied fortress, the stench of death and decay made itself known to her senses. As she flew quietly, she would sometimes spot a lifeless corpse simply left to rot in the open. Varjan patrols would pass by and barely notice, as if it were completely normal to be there. When [u]Liliana[/u] reached the barracks' walls, a drop of water almost sent her crashing into the soil. Looking up, thick clouds have covered the moon and darkened the night further. More drops of water came down as the rain settled in. The sudden downpour forced nearby Varjan patrols to head inside the well-lit barracks. If a fight broke out inside, [u]Liliana[/u] can expect more Varjans than to be expected. Inside the barracks, the invisible [u]Liliana[/u] went unnoticed by the dozens of Varjans inside. As they covered themselves with blankets and fur pelts to protect from the sudden cold, none of them appeared to be high-ranking. However, she did spot a Varjan much shorter than everyone else around him. He looked like a typical Varjan Brigand with no chest armor, a face-obscuring helmet and leather-reinforced trousers. He had a 'quiver' of javelins on his back and he seemed famous amongst his peers. Could he actually be the one? [hr] [center][h3]Terauchi Temple[/h3][/center] [center][b]TEACHER AND STUDENT[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Rezod92] ~[/center] [u]Kerry[/u] found Takamori in the more clear parts of the temple grounds. He was with a couple of peasants, the latter wielding bows and shooting arrows at some makeshift targets made of straw and black paint. At least, trying to. Some shots were way off the target while some didn't even make it to the required distance. Still, Takamori egged them to keep shooting until he noticed the Hornet. "[color=yellow]Yokai. You're looking positive today.[/color]" Takamori noticed [u]Kerry's[/u] unusually high spirits. "[color=yellow]Had a good time last night? Finally charmed a Shizuyaman to share your bed?[/color]" "[color=yellow]Anyway, I found a lead regarding Setsuna. But I'm not sure if you are ready for her.[/color]" The master archer told the Hornet. "[color=yellow]I know I make her sound beyond human, and honestly that's not far off the mark.[/color]" He remarked about his traitor daughter. "[color=yellow]Setsuna is fearless. She may not be an initiated warrior of Shizuyama, or hail from any of the island's warrior clans, but she is a born killer.[/color]" "[color=yellow]Some recent refugees saw Varjans training in an archery range not far from here. I suspect Setsuna is there.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Terauchi Temple[/h3][/center] [center]~ [@Enkryption], [@The Irish Tree] (EUL) ~[/center] [u]Alice[/u], [u]Carroll[/u] and [u]Eula[/u] had remained in Terauchi Temple for the time being. The conjured tea party was long over and the refugees even cleaned up the spontaneous feast without help from [u]Alice[/u]. As soon as it was over, however, the doom and gloom of their situation returned almost instantly. Terauchi Temple might have been repaired, but the Varjans' oppression still weighed on their hearts. Revuel was in the medical tents, using magic to heal wounds. Refugees still kept coming to Terauchi Temple, often tired and injured. As the three walked through the temple grounds, they would overhear a conversation between two peasant women knitting baskets. "[color=f26522]But they have Lord Oja![/color]" "[color=00a99d]Nobody can break him. Not even the Varjans![/color]" "[color=f26522]I guess we can hope... Wasn't it Lord Oja who fought off a pirate raid in Port Izumi?[/color]" "[color=00a99d]Yes! And he escaped the trap that Lord Ichimonji set for him in that bandit island. Lots of people tried to bring him down, and they wound up dead![/color]" "[color=f26522]Even so, everybody's luck runs out sometime.[/color]" "[color=00a99d]It's not luck. He is the most cunning Island Lord we've ever had. If he were a little more ambitious, he could have conquered all of the Zipanguese Isles.[/color]" "[color=f26522]Maybe you're right...[/color]" "[color=00a99d]Mark my words, we haven't seen the last of Lord Oja.[/color]" [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] [hider=Breakthrough (ONGOING)] "Lady Kyouko needs a port to dock her fleet to properly engage the Varjan armada and deliver supplies, and that port will be Komatsu Bay. If we're going to liberate the fortress, we'll need help and Ayu says she has a friend for the job. We can join her and go to this friend's house, just outside Komatsu Bay." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [hider=Second Chance (ONGOING)] "We almost have everything we need to save my father. However, we cannot leave the refugees of Terauchi Temple defenseless. We need warriors to fortify and defend the temple while we are away. Kikyo knows of some imprisoned warriors who can help replenish our ranks." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ TAKAMORI TALES ~~[/center] [hider=Teacher And Student (ONGOING)] "Lord Takamori said that his traitorous daughter, Setsuna, is training Varjan archers in Ōmiya. I know this frightens him, even if he tries to hide it. If we don't find her and end this, there may be no stopping the archers, and no hope for Ōmiya Springs. We need to see Lord Takamori immediately." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SORAE TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Husband] "Lady Sorae told me that Kana, Sogen's wife, has disappeared during the attack on the temple. She wants help tracking her down as Kana is the only lead we have on the identities and whereabouts of the killers of Clan Tokinomiya." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Whispers In The Woods] A villager woman remarked to the taskforce member as the latter passed by. "You better watch out if you're passing Yabo Forest, yokai. It's haunted by angry spirits... Dead samurai, eager to spill blood." "People go into the woods and never come out. Varjan and Shizuyaman alike! The bodies that turn up have all been killed by Shizuyaman blades..." [/hider] [hider=The Other Side Of Honor] A peasant man eating barbecued meat on a stick was startled when the taskforce member approached. It appeared he has news. "Yokai! You have to tell Lord Takeshi, there is another samurai noble who survived Sanjo Beach. His name is Lord Tonchiki. He's in his abode southeast of here. If you go see him, I'm sure he would join your cause." "Err, maybe not. I guess you'll need Lord Takeshi himself to convince him." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached. "Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by that shrine priestess that started a fight here not too long ago." "They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not trained." [/hider] [hider=Bottoms Up] A peasant man warming his hands on a bonfire noticed the taskforce member passing by. "Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force." [/hider] [center]~~ LEGENDARY TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Heavenly Strike] "Dealing with these students of the Heavenly Strike was more difficult than we thought. They have already thrown back two of the taskforce. However, the yokai fought them separately and at different times, so perhaps a more cooperative approach would be more fruitful." -Takeshi Oja [/hider]