[@WhiteAngel25] [@Estylwen] [color=gray][h1]Underwater Research Facility[/h1] [h2][s]Field Agents[/s] The Boys:[/h2] [h3]Codename Andrew, Bergman, Monsieur[/h3] [/color] [b]"Whoa, whoa, I don't think killing Nick is the answer here, Monsieur."[/b] [b]"Then [i]help [/i]him, [i]sil vous plait[/i]!"[/b] Thierry's brow crinkled while he inhaled shallowly, wiping at sweat. [b]"#004, assignment is complete. You may relax and help us."[/b] Subject #004 breathed heavily while registering Stella's words. It felt as if the program was internally fighting Nick for his sanity. It was a simple annoyance at best and an infuriating situation at worst. [b]"Galloes got away."[/b] Aaron stated blankly while typing. [b]"When we find him again, he's [i]mine[/i]."[/b] Thierry's anger snapped #4 apart, letting Nick be himself once again. Nick slipped from the table to the floor as his spouse had finally let go of his arms. He was tired and sore. He was a disaster. Nick didn't know who Stella thought she was kidding if she really felt he could be of any service now. Nick curled onto his side. He kept his eyes closed as a strong desire for sleep came across him. In his current condition, he was useless. The siren rang out, but he failed to react. He could hear Stella nagging him about the VR masks, but he just curled in his ball. [i]Useless[/i]. [b]"That's what this is all about? VR masks? You [i]can't[/i] be serious!" [/b] Thierry struggled to contain his hardy laughter as he'd spoken. [b]"Well it is a tech company?"[/b] Aaron seemed a little confused by Thierry's lack of interest in the information. There came a gasp and a bit of feverish typing, then Ramses' voice appeared in the mix, [b]"Stop."[/b] Nick opened his eyes to see Ramses standing in front of Thierry, hand outstretched at a monster that had aimed to kill. Kill Thierry. Thierry must of been caught off guard while laughing about the VR masks. Nick looked to Thierry. His spouse carried a stunned expression, but it was still mixed with the sent of anger. [b]"Disengage."[/b] Ramses' voice was sturdily steadfast as he spoke. A man of confidence as if he'd dealt with these masks before. With another glance upwards, Stella had vanished off somewhere. Probably not realizing the ease at which these VR masks were controlled. Aaron was still typing in the corner. He was standing with an older box laptop strapped around his neck like an oversized handbag, but the old tech probably couldn't connect to the internet. A security feature and still more useful than Nick was at the moment. [b]"I think we should see ourselves out."[/b] Thierry pulled Nick upright, then to his feet. Then placed Nick's left arm over his shoulder and his right arm curled around Nick. [b]"Yeah."[/b] Ramses grabbed at the newer laptop that still sat on the desk, then wrapped the strap over his shoulder. [b]"Yup."[/b] Aaron agreed while heading towards the hallway. Codename Andrew kicked in once more as both Ramses and Aaron started their decent into feverish typing. Nick felt it was almost like watching an office on two feet. Or like oversized cellphones. To him, it honestly looked ridiculous, but then a thought crossed his mind, [b]"What about Stella?"[/b] [b]"Who?"[/b] Thierry turned to face him. His warm breath removing the chill from Nick's face. [b]"The girl."[/b] Nick shook his head, [b]"There's another one too. She was a prisoner as well."[/b] [b]"Looks as though we're in the midst of a full-blown rescue mission then, doesn't it."[/b] Ramses stated softly, not looking up from his laptop. [b]"Seems so."[/b] Aaron paused to look up, then back down to his screen after a quick glance of the hallway. Nick looked to Thierry, as the man... his [i]spouse[/i], helped carry him down the hallway. His heart was heavy with the formation of tears as he started to speak, [b]"I'm so-"[/b] [b]"[i]Ferme ta gueule[/i]."[/b] Thierry spat, but didn't hesitate to readjust and pull Nick closer, followed by a quick kiss to Nick's temple. Nick closed his eyes and let Thierry lead him along. At one point, Thierry mentioned something about a box he'd been given? Ramses mentioned it wasn't completely necessary at the moment, but to keep it handy regardless. Something about electricity was brought up. The dark energy and why HiveMind was obsessed. Honestly, the whole conversation confused him, so Nick just kept his mouth shut as Thierry had said to. That was until... [b]"Jesus, he straps bombs to people's necks too?"[/b] He finally looked up. Ramses' disbelief pointed to a sad situation involving #3. This made his heart drop even lower. Nick's neck felt tight with a lump. Here he was being rescued by his husband and coworkers that were practically extended family. But who did #3 have? Well it seemed outside of Stella's attempt to remain clam, [i]nobody[/i]. He wondered exactly how long the poor unfortunate soul been stuck down here with nobody caring about her. It was a feeling he was empathic towards as he'd felt it all his life. One of loneliness brought on by a roller coaster mix of emotions. Being abandoned at a young age, followed by years of fear of being abandoned by everybody else in his life. Emotions that traditional medications didn't seem to help with- or made it worse. Emotions that [i]even Thierry[/i] couldn't seem to remove, even [i]after [/i]marriage. The ground started shaking again, but with more gust this time than previous. Thierry spoke of the situation pointedly, [b]"You must be Stella and #3, but as much as I'd like to stop and chat, time waits for none."[/b] [b]"But what about the ruins?"[/b] Nick snapped. [b]"There are no ruins."[/b] Thierry snapped back. [b]"HiveMind built this base after another base was blown up. I was there. There's a clock tower and Inca-like dunes just outside of a forest like area."[/b] [b]"That was all a simu-"[/b] Ramses started, but Thierry cut him off. [b]"[i]Sweetheart[/i], those weren't [i]real[/i]."[/b] [b]"That's exactly what HiveMind [i]wants [/i]us to think. But it's bigger than a simple simulation. I came down here under the pretense of examining Dark Energy. And I'm doing just that."[/b] This whine Nick currently sported started up the exact argument that had already taken place not long ago. Much to Ramses' and Aaron's amusement. [b]"...Oh, dammit all to hell, [i]Nicholas[/i]..."[/b] [b]"...[i]No[/i], Thierry..."[/b] [b]"...Stop being a stubborn idiot for just five fucking minutes of your life!..."[/b] Aaron stifled a laugh as he leaned into Ramses' shoulder, [b]"So uh, how long have they been married again?"[/b] [b]"[i]Awhile[/i], from the sounds of it."[/b]