[@PaulHaynek] Soon enough, Kerry found Takamori training a group of peasants on how to use bows and arrows in a makeshift archery range. Their performance was.....well, a devil bug would do better. At least they'd got the arrows down range. The hawkeyed archer noticed the hornet's approach. [quote]"Yokai. You're looking positive today. Had a good time last night? Finally charmed a Shizuyaman to share your bed?"[/quote] [color=fff79a]"Pffffft! Nope. I doubt a local could hope to ever [b]dream[/b] of being a fraction as good as the one I was with last night."[/color], Kerry responded, quite honestly despite the nearby audience. [color=fff79a]"So, any word on your turncoat kid?"[/color] [quote]"Anyway, I found a lead regarding Setsuna. But I'm not sure if you are ready for her. I know I make her sound beyond human, and honestly that's not far off the mark. Setsuna is fearless. She may not be an initiated warrior of Shizuyama, or hail from any of the island's warrior clans, but she is a born killer."[/quote] [color=fff79a]"I think I'll be the judge of that when we face her. Though, I suppose you telling me to be cautious would have merit. You're the one that trained her, after all."[/color] [quote]"Some recent refugees saw Varjans training in an archery range not far from here. I suspect Setsuna is there."[/quote] [color=fff79a]"Improving their aim, no doubt."[/color], she commented, doing a final stretch. [color=fff79a]"Lead the way, archer."[/color]