[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaGlic3M5YXc2bXNuY2h2MHI0cHdxbzIzZHIwNWFoNWdoYm03cGE4dSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/1X7xHKopCeZu1c7SaT/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Blizz][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]7:10 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hider=Trick or Treat 2023 Records][list][*]Mary Sue - Trick - Her backpack was stolen in the library! She'll have to replace her laptop/books/etc. [*]Vicky - Trick - Through a misunderstanding with a teacher (Usagi) Vicky has detention for the entire month of November [*]Sabine - Trick - someone hacked Sabine’s socials and put up some disgusting, bigoted content pretending to be her [*]Andy - Treat - Magneto sends her a gift, it’s a pair of vambraces that fit her perfectly, they’re made out of an unknown material and can deflect bullets and the like [*]Zari - Treat - On Halloween morning, Zari also gets a present from her family. It’s an enchanted tool belt. Whatever tool she needs if she reaches for it, it’s there [*]Leah - Trick - After the Monster Mash when Leah returns to her room, there is a postcard on the wall from Oslo. Written on it is her birth name. Nothing else. [*]Dorian - Treat - On Halloween day, Dorian’s father sends him a ~spooky~ gift. It’s a mini dinosaur! And by mini I mean like 6 inches tall. But it’s alive! [/list][/hider] [@Natsu] In the cafeteria, the dance was underway as the students began to arrive, trickling in and mingling. Refreshments were grabbed, laughs were had, and inevitably, misunderstandings caused a few couples to have a bad start to their Halloween night. There were a few wall flowers like Mary Sue, standing off to themselves. However unlike them, Mary Sue was approached by one of the dance chaperones - a man she had never seen before. [url=https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Darius_Deamonne]He[/url] had dark skin and strangely liquid-like, flowing purple hair. His ears were pointed like an elf's and he had on a dramatic purple cape. On his left hand, he wore a wedding ring. "No costume?" he asked Mary Sue, raising an eyebrow. [@Nallore][@Forsythe][@BlueSky44]: The three of you would end up running into each other, as you made your way from the dorms to the cafeteria. Whether or not you acknowledge each other is of course up to you - Zelda was dressed as Rogue, Vicky as a robotic Frankenstein, and Diana as a Greek demigod. A few other students are passing by you in the halls, as things get more and more crowded the closer you get to the cafeteria. Not too far up ahead, you'll spot some of the Young Avengers gang - namely Cassie Lang and America Chavez and Kate Bishop, dressed as the Powerpuff Girls. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/0a/93/2b0a9358189229cfe46020b75a8fc358.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Hall - Floor Six [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=42A9FF]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0dbXxxU0AA86cH.jpg:large]Perfuma from She-Ra[/url] [hr][hr][/center] April hadn't paid much attention at first when Dorian took out his phone and started scrolling - not until Danni screamed [i]Princess got hacked[/i]. [color=42A9FF]"What?!"[/color] Her eyes widened and she frantically pulled out her phone, about to check her accounts - Princess was the nickname Danni used routinely to refer to her, after all - but then, as Danni continued to ramble, he mentioned [i]Beanie[/i]. And her blood went cold. Sabine had been the one to be hacked. She frantically went to her girlfriend's socials, looking in shock at the nasty comments flooding it. In Danni's quick selfie, April's face was contorted into horror. She then sprung into action, quickly typing out some (somewhat emotional) posts in defense of Sabine and posting them to her own socials. She didn't have nearly as many followers, but she wanted to do what she could. She then switched to the polycule group chat, firing off a message - [i][color=42A9FF]OMG I AM SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY???[/color] [/i] Her hands were shaking and she started pacing back and forth, already coming up with worst case scenarios. Maybe she could ask her parents to use some S.H.I.E.L.D. resources to figure out who did the hack. Would her father be willing to send in a drone strike, maybe? Or would that be overkill? Her pacing stopped though as Leah opened the door and stepped inside, an absolute vision in her Scorpia costume. She took April's breath away - she always did, of course, but now especially. She was mesmerized enough that her panic over what was happening to Sabine temporarily melted away, and April blushed deeply as Leah told her that she looked cool. [color=42A9FF]"You look AMAZING!"[/color] April gushed. April stood on her toes and gave Leah a quick kiss on the lips, before flattening her feet back out. She left a hand lingering on Leah's arm, grinning at her. But Leah wasn't the only one who had showed up. Dorian had run out the door to see his boyfriend - and Mads and Sabine were both in the hallway! April was relieved to see that Sabine was alright, as she took Leah by the hand and dragged her on into the hallway. She let go of Leah's hand and threw herself around Sabine in a huge hug, and then kissed her on the lips as well. [color=42A9FF]"Whatever you need, I'll do it. I'll see if my dad can nuke that asshole, wherever they are,"[/color] April vowed seriously. [color=42A9FF]"Oh, yes, picture picture!"[/color] April agreed. [color=42A9FF]"Mads, you look absolutely [i]wicked[/i],"[/color] she then giggled, her emotions all over the place. But that was normal for her. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5908331ec0b49a380a9c956f183679b4/3b2fd09da33ce029-24/s400x600/b3bf361ddcf40d23e95ba393968305ec799fe0c3.gif[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Hall - Floor Six [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=ed1c24]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.williamjacket.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Doctor-Who-David-Tennant-Suit-Blue.jpg]the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who[/url] [hr][hr][/center] Percy gave Mads a curt nod. [color=ed1c24]"I'm doing well, thank you,"[/color] he said. He didn't know her very well, but he ran into her from time to time, given that they lived on the same floor. He didn't recognize what her costume was from, but it looked rather nice - she was definitely serving celestial witch realness. [color=ed1c24]"You look nice,"[/color] he then added, as two others came down the hallway - Leah and Sabine. He offered Sabine a slight wave, as Leah then just... opened up the door. Percy frowned slightly. Wasn't that not acceptable? His frown vanished as he spotted Dorian, looking incredibly dashing in his ascot - that did something to Percy, as he blushed furiously. And when Dorian rushed out and [i]pulled him by his tie[/i] - well, he was doing his very best to remember that others were present. As it was, all he managed to get out at first was a strangled [color=ed1c24]"ngk."[/color] He swallowed thickly, doing his best to recover. His brain was very frazzled, and he had to replay the words Dorian had said to him in his brain quickly - [i]roleplaying[/i]. That's what Dorian was doing right now. Otherwise, he'd know who he was. So, putting on his best imitation of the Tenth Doctor, Percy spoke in a somewhat botched British accent: [color=ed1c24]"I'm the Doctor, nice to meet you. And who might you be?"[/color] Percy vaguely heard people shouting about pictures, but he was too lost in Dorian's eyes to notice or care.